4.3 View Connector Information

Cloud Bridge Agent > Connectors

Use this page to view detailed information about the connectors that are loaded on the CBA instance. You cannot make changes to connectors on this page, but you can customize your view of the page.

Click column headings to change the item sort order, or click the hamburger menu on any column to access additional viewing and filtering options:

  • On the Columns tab, select or deselect the columns you want to display

    For example, this page displays six columns by default, but you can add several optional columns such as Loaded Index, Local Checksum, or Data Source Service.

  • On the General tab, pin or autosize any or all columns

  • On the Filter tab, use Boolean operators to filter the data

Click anywhere outside the dialog box to close it so you can view the data you wanted.

To undo your changes at any time and revert to the default view, click the hamburger menu to reopen the dialog box and click Reset.