3.4 Upgrading Your CBA Environment

You can upgrade an existing Cloud Bridge Agent instance by running the installation script on the host server. The installation script detects that an older version is already installed and prompts you to upgrade.

Before you upgrade, you should consider the following:

NOTE:Upgrading your CBA environment does not remove old CBA images. As a best practice, after you have upgraded successfully you should periodically review and remove unneeded old images to free up disk space. For more information, see Removing Old CBA Images.

3.4.1 Planning to Upgrade Connectors

Before you begin upgrading your CBA environment, review your existing connectors and take the appropriate action as outlined below. When you upgrade the Cloud Bridge Agent, the connector .jar files that reside in the <CBA_install_dir>/agent/bridgelib/ folder on the CBA host server take precedence over the connector .jar files that are included in the /collectors folder.

IMPORTANT:Work with your SaaS support team to address any questions or concerns you have about upgrading connectors.

Consider the following:

  • If you have older patched connectors in the /bridgelib folder and the newer CBA has better built-in .jar files, you should remove the outdated files in the /bridgelib folder before you install the CBA. Remove any copies of dist-collectors, daas-ldap, or any other updated .jar files provided by your SaaS support team.

  • If your /bridgelib folder contains files such as a supporting .jar file for JDBC or other custom collector .jar files, you should leave those files alone.

  • If you have older connectors in your /bridgelib folder that are working well and you do not want to risk upgrading them, you can choose to keep an older version in /bridgelib and not use the updated version included with the CBA in the /collectors folder.

3.4.2 Planning for High Availability Before Upgrade

If you currently have only one CBA instance in your environment, we strongly recommend that you install and configure one or more secondary or backup CBA servers for failover. For more information to help you plan, see Planning for High Availability.

Consider the following possible high availability upgrade scenarios:

NOTE:You can reconfigure your CBA instances as needed after installation by rerunning the installation script on the appropriate servers. For more information, see Updating High Availability and Other CBA Settings.

3.4.3 Upgrading with Your Current CBA as the Primary Instance

If you are upgrading your CBA environment and want to assign your current CBA as your primary instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the CBA installation script on your CBA server. For more information, see Installing Your Primary CBA Instance.

  2. At the upgrade prompt, enter y.

    IMPORTANT:Cloud Bridge saves your CBA credentials when you upgrade. If you respond n at the upgrade prompt and do a fresh installation, you lose those credentials.

  3. Set the instance and site to Primary.

    Wait for the server to restart.

  4. Run a fresh installation for each secondary and backup CBA that you want to use in your environment. Ensure that you use the encryption key and IV from your first CBA instance for all secondary and backup CBA instances. For more information, see Installing Secondary and Backup CBA Instances.

  5. Configure your primary CBA instance with the credentials for all data source connections you plan to use, then export those credentials to a file. For more information, see Manage Credentials for Data Source Connections.

  6. Import the data source credentials to each secondary and backup CBA instance one at a time.

3.4.4 Upgrading with a New CBA as the Primary Instance

If you are upgrading your CBA environment and want to use a new host server as your primary CBA instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the host server that you plan to use as your primary CBA instance with all of the CBA prerequisites. For more information, see Understanding Requirements and Setting Up the Agent Server.

  2. Run the CBA installation script on the new host server and set the instance and site to Primary. Since this is a new installation, there is no prompt to upgrade. For more information, see Installing Your Primary CBA Instance.

    Wait for the server to restart.

  3. Run the CBA installation script on your existing CBA server, enter y at the upgrade prompt, and set the instance and site to Secondary or Backup as appropriate for your environment.

  4. Run a fresh installation for any additional secondary and backup CBAs that you want to use in your environment. Ensure that you use the encryption key and IV from your first CBA instance for all secondary and backup CBA instances. For more information, see Installing Secondary and Backup CBA Instances.

  5. Configure your primary CBA instance with the credentials for all data source connections you plan to use, then export those credentials to a file. For more information, see Manage Credentials for Data Source Connections.

  6. Import the data source credentials to each secondary and backup CBA instance one at a time.