Category and process type are attributes that are used to organize workflows in the workflow catalog. They are used for filtering and sorting the workflow list on the Workflows page. By default, there are two categories namely Accounts and System Templates defined under the main category and one process type, that is Normal.
You can define any number of categories and process type that your organization might need using the Add Category and Add Process Type options provided under the Settings > Workflow Catalog option. For an example, you can add a category named Roles to contain all workflows related to role requests and a process type named Role Approval to define the workflow type as role approval.
When a user selects a workflow for editing on the Workflows page (Catalog > Workflow), these categories and process types are displayed in the Category and Process Type drop-down list in the Overview tab. The user can select the category under which they want put their workflow. For more information, see Editing a Workflow.
To add a category or process type, perform the following actions:
Click the Workflow Catalog drop-down menu on the Settings page.
(Conditional) If you want to add a new category, perform the following actions:
Click the Add Category option next to the Category attribute.
Enter a unique identifier in the Key field.
Specify a name. The string is displayed in the Category drop-down list in the Overview tab when editing a workflow.
(Conditional) If you want to add a new process type, perform the following actions:
Click the Add Process Type option next to the Process Type attribute.
Enter a unique identifier in the Key field.
Specify a name. The string is displayed in the Process Type drop-down list in the Overview tab when editing a workflow.
Click Save.
To delete a category, select that category from the list, click the trash icon, then click Confirm.
Similarly, select the process type that you want to delete, click the trash icon, then click Confirm.
NOTE:You cannot delete a category or process type when they are associated with a workflow.