3.4 Customizing Email Notification Templates

Identity Governance notifies users of tasks in their queue, as well as other review events, as specified in review definitions. Depending on your configuration, various events associated with functional areas, such as bulk data update, business role approval, request, review, Separation of Duties (SoD), and fulfillment, might trigger email notifications. For example, the Bulk Data Administrator can be notified when a bulk data template is generated and when a bulk data update occurs; and an SoD Policy Owner can be notified when a new SoD violation is detected after data source collection and publication. The application supplies default templates with preconfigured tokens for the email notifications and uses the templates as is unless you customize them for your environment.

HINT:When setting up and testing Identity Governance notifications or testing preview review notifications, make sure you are using a test email system or test email addresses. For example, use fake mail, mail catcher, or test corporate mail server. Do not send emails to a live server while testing your system. If you have real email accounts in your test system you can inadvertently send spam email to people in your company.

For information about configuring Identity Governance to send email notifications, see Enabling Email Notifications for Identity Governance in the Identity Governance 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide. For information about Review related notifications, see Setting Review Notifications.

3.4.1 Modifying Email Templates

Identity Governance allows you to modify an XML file that contains the email text in the languages supported for Identity Governance. You can edit the XML file with one of the following programs to customize it for your organization:

  • XML editor

  • Text editor

  • Designer for NetIQ Identity Manager

To modify an email template content:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Customer or Global Administrator.

  2. Select Configuration > Notification Emails.

  3. Select a download option:

    • To customize all email templates in a single file, select Download XML. Depending on your browser settings, you might be prompted for the download path.

      NOTE:If prompted, do not rename the EmailTemplates.xml file. Identity Governance cannot upload a file that does not match the expected name.

    • To download the XML file for all the emails of a functional area in a single locale, select Implemented Locale from the View functional area drop-down list, then select the locale.

    • To download the XML file for a single email in all the implemented locales, select Email from the View functional area drop-down list, then click an email name.

      Optionally, select Email source preview (en) to view the template. Specify an email address to Send notification preview.

      Click Download XML.

  4. Modify the content in the email templates you have downloaded.

    NOTE:Do not modify any text in the code strings in the file. Identity Governance might not function correctly if you change the code strings. For descriptions of the email tokens, see Email Tokens.

  5. Save and close the files.

  6. To submit the modified files, click Import XML.

Email Tokens

When customizing emails, be careful in handling the tokens. Identity Governance allows the use of entities and their attributes in your email templates. Entity tokens must appear in the form:token-descriptions section to be processed. If it only appears in the <body/> section of the template it will stay unresolved.

Some email templates expect only certain processing and entity tokens. Therefore, the product might not be able to replace a token with a value in some situations. For example, when an unexpected token is present in the template, a entity token is evaluated as null during notification preview, or an entity attribute was not collected and was resolved as null, the generated email might contain blank values or might contain token as-is. Notifications sent during review preview mode that enable administrators and review owners to preview notifications, might not always replace tokens with values, and names seen in the preview might not be the name that is sent in the live mode email.

The email templates use the following processing tokens:




Application ID, unused in the Certification External Provisioning Start Error template


Application name


Application name


Business role approver


Reviewer's full name


Link to task


Unused in the Certification External Provisioning Start Error template


Used in the generic email template


Bulk data feed curator


Fulfillment error


Error message text


Unused in the Certification External Provisioning Start Error template


Bulk data update definition


Full name of the fulfiller


The workflow hostname


Bulk data CSV file


URL link


The output message from a system process.


Used in the Certification Auto Provisioning Start Failed template


Owner of the SoD policy


List of application permissions


Workflow name used in the external fulfillment template


User that the task was reassigned from


Configured product name, such as Identity Governance or Access Review


User who reassigned the task


Optional comment entered at reassignment


Number of fulfillment items in a retry state


URL link to review


Name of the review


Review owner’s name


Review owner’s phone number


List of business approval roles


Found in Certification Started and Certification Changed email templates with no reference to the token in the templates.


Task timeout in days


The user that terminated a review


Identity Governance user's full name


Used in the Detected SoD Violation email template.

The email templates use the following entity and role-based tokens:

Entity Token

Entity Type




Primary (TO) address. Resolves to one of the following role:

  • Review Owner

  • Reviewer

  • Auditor

  • Escalation Reviewer



Review instance



Attributes for the review definition



Task owner of a current review instance. Used only in notifications to task owners.



Reviewer of the previous review instance. Used only in task reassignment notifications.

The following table shows the current attribute definitions for the review based entity types.

Entity Type



  • certificationDate

  • endDate

  • expectedEndDate

  • startDate

  • lastStatusChange

  • validToDate

  • taskCount

  • taskCompleteCount

  • itemCount

  • itemCompleteCount

  • itemApproveCount

  • statusComment

  • auditorComment

  • startMessage

  • approvedBy

  • canceledBy

  • approvedByPolicy

  • status

  • owners

  • auditor


  • name

  • description

  • activeFromDate

  • activeToDate

  • latestValidToDate

  • startDate

  • isActive

  • duration

  • escalationTimeout

  • validFor

  • repeat

  • expirationExtension

  • reviewType

  • durationUnit

  • escalationTimeoutUnit

  • validForUnit

  • repeatUnit

  • expirationExtensionUnit

  • owners

  • auditor

3.4.2 Adding an Image to the Email Template

In addition to modifying an email template, you can also add an image or logo to the email template.

To add an image to the email template:

  1. Select the image you want to add to the template and encode it in base64 string format.

    HINT:Use the base64encode website or similar encoders to encode the image.

  2. Download the email template.

  3. Add the <img src="data:image/png;base64, %base64-value% "/>t ag where you want the image to appear. For example, <p>Powered by <img src="..."/></p>.

  4. Upload the modified email template.