Distribution > Distributed Index Handler > Choose a Distribution Mode

Choose a Distribution Mode

See AlsoDIH Distribution Mode Features

The distribution mode configuration options determine how DIH divides documents between child servers. The appropriate mode to use depends on a number of factors:

The following flowchart describes the decision process that you need to make when you want to choose a distribution mode. Click the options in the diagram to find more information about the configuration options. The following sections discuss this decision process in more detail.

Deduplication Considerations

In most configurations, you use Connectors to periodically look for modifications to documents in the source repository, and index the updates. In these cases, you use the KillDuplicates options to control how to treat the update documents. If you require that the IDOL index contains only the latest version of any document, you should identify a reference field whose value is common to all revisions of the same document, and unique to that document, and use this field for deduplication.

For deduplication to function correctly in a distributed index, the server that contains the older version of the document must receive updates when you index a new version. There are two ways to achieve this:

In other scenarios, it is possible that original documents get re-sent to IDOL, but you always want to keep the original version, or keep field values from the previous version. For example, users might have tagged or otherwise updated the document. In this case, you must use the KeepExisting or preserve field options, and documents with matching references must always be sent to the same child server, and you must use the advanced distribution mode.

Other Considerations

In the cases where you never index duplicate copies of documents, or where you need to be able to search all versions of a document, deduplication is never required at index time. In this case, you can use the following guidelines to choose a distribution mode.

