IDOL Server can index IDX and XML documents. IDX format is the IDOL Server index format, which describes fields and metadata.
The following is an example of an IDX document:
#DREREFERENCE\tapestry.htm #DRETITLE Tapestry Tapestry weaving may have been practiced in Europe as ... #DREFIELD summary="Tapestry Tapestry weaving may have been practiced in Europe as early as the 8th century, although no examples remain. Western European tapestry reached its greatest development between the 14th and 18th centuries" #DREFIELD DocType="ARCHIVE" #DREDOCID 33431 #DRETYPE TEXT #DREDATE 907347778 #DREDBNAME ARCHIVE #DRECONTENT Tapestry Tapestry weaving may have been practiced in Europe as early as the 8th century, although no examples remain. Western European tapestry reached its greatest development between the 14th and 18th centuries. During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, revivals of the tapestry tradition occurred. #DREENDDOC