Maintain IDOL > Back Up IDOL > Back Up and Restore the Data Index

Back Up and Restore the Data Index

There are a number of different methods that you can use to back up the IDOL Server index. This section describes these methods, and discusses why you might use each one.


The DREBACKUP index action creates a compressed backup of the Content server data files. You can use this backup to restore the Content server at a later date using the DREINITIAL index action.

You can automatically schedule DREBACKUP index actions using the IDOL Server configuration file, or you can send them manually as an index action. By default, IDOL Server also automatically runs a DREBACKUP operation when it runs a scheduled DRECOMPACT operation. You can also request a backup during a manual DRECOMPACT operation, by using the Backup parameter.

Scheduled backups provide configuration options to define how often to create backups, when to create them, and how many to keep.

As an alternative to using index actions, you can back up and restore your server from the Backup/Restore tab on the Console page in the Control section of IDOL Admin. You can reset the index by using the Initialize IDOL Content feature on the Service Control tab of the Console page in the Control section.


The DREEXPORTIDX, DREEXPORTXML, and DREEXPORTREMOTE index actions allow you to export all or a selection of documents from one Content server. You can use the export file to reindex at a later date (or immediately, in the case of DREEXPORTREMOTE).

You can use this method to implement configuration file changes that require reindexing, as well as offering restoration of your data.


If you are not storing fields (the NodeTableStoreContent parameter is turned off), then you cannot transfer data associated with those fields using DREEXPORT index actions.

As an alternative to using index actions, you can export indexed documents from the Export tab on the Console page in the Control section of IDOL Admin.


The ArchivePath configuration parameter allows you to configure a directory where the Content server stores a copy of every index action it receives. You can replay the index actions and data to restore the state of a Content server.

On its own, this method is a very slow way to restore a large Content server from an empty state to a later state. However, you might want to combine a scheduled DREBACKUP index action with ArchivePath, to allow you to restore a more specific point in time. For example, you can restore from the DREBACKUP data, and then replay the index actions that were sent between the last backup and the required time.

Manually Copy Content Server Data Files

You can back up a Content server by simply copying all its data files. HPE strongly recommends using this method only while the Content process is stopped, or paused using the DREFLUSHANDPAUSE index action. After you pause with DREFLUSHANDPAUSE, you can resume the process using the IndexerGetStatus action.

