Use Statistics to Monitor Your Components

In addition to using HTTP requests to monitor the status of your components, you can submit the GetStatistics action to the service port of an IDOL component to retrieve internal statistics for the service. The response is in formatted XML, and each statistic is identified by a class, autnid, and name. For example:

<autn:stat class="Service" autnid="Statistics" name="24HourRequestsPerSecond" metric="3" value="8.5" />

You can also use the MemoryReport and DiskReport ACI actions to retrieve statistics on the use of system resources.

For more information on these actions, refer to the IDOL Server Reference. 

ACI Requests

To view statistics for ACI requests, you can either submit a GetStatistics action, or you can use the ACI secondary tab on the Statistics tab of the Performance page in the Monitor section of IDOL Admin.

Statistics for ACI requests are identified by class=“Service” and autnid =“Statistics”, and include information on the total number of requests, the average response time, the number of requests per second, and the number of requests generating a warning or an error. You can view statistics for the last 10 seconds, 60 seconds, one hour, or 24 hours.

You can use these statistics to monitor response times, or check if a particular component is receiving an unusually high rate of requests.

The GetStatistics response also includes detailed statistics on individual ACI actions (for example, Query, Suggest, and so on). These are identified by class=“ACI” and autnid =“Action:*”.

Index Queue

Statistics for components with an index queue (for example, Content and DIH ) are identified by class=“Indexer” and autnid=“Queue”. The statistics provide information on the number of index jobs currently at each stage of processing. You can use the statistics to monitor whether a backlog of uncompleted jobs is building up.

The Queued statistic for the Content component lists the number of jobs in the queue that are still awaiting processing.

The Queued statistic for the DIH component lists only those jobs that DIH has not yet assigned to a child engine; the QueuedForChildren statistic lists the number of jobs waiting to be sent to, or processed by, child engines. DIH also provides an Uncompleted statistic, which lists the total number of uncompleted jobs.


You can also use the GetStatus ACI action to retrieve index queue statistics for the Content and DIH components. If you need to monitor other information from the GetStatus response, it might be more efficient to use it to monitor the size of the index queue as well, rather than submitting an additional GetStatistics request.

You can also use the Indexer secondary tab on the Statistics tab of the Performance page in the Monitor section of IDOL Admin to monitor index queue statistics.

Memory Report

The MemoryReport ACI action returns the total amount of memory used by the IDOL process (processmemoryinfo/procsize_kb) as well as its current physical memory size (processmemoryinfo/procresident_kb). You can use this information to check for runaway memory usage.

Some components provide a more detailed breakdown of memory usage; for example, you can use the Content component’s MemoryReport response to monitor the amount of memory that is currently in use by a particular field type, or by different caches.

Various statistics on system-wide use of memory resources are also provided under systemmemoryinfo.

For more information on this action, refer to the IDOL Server Reference.

You can also use the Memory and Memory Map tabs on the Performance page in the Monitor section of IDOL Admin to view information about system and process memory usage.

Disk Report

The DiskReport ACI action returns the amount of disk space used by the component’s data directories. Some IDOL components break this down by the type of data stored; for example, the Content component reports figures for disk space used by the Index, Received Data, License, Logs, and Language Files.

You can specify the MaxDepth parameter to break this down further, for example to monitor when a Content engine’s index exceeds a specified threshold in terms of size on disk.

For more information on this action, refer to the IDOL Server Reference.

You can also use the Disk Report tab on the Performance page in the Monitor section of IDOL Admin to view information about the disk usage of directories and files in the working directory for each component.
