
Suggest documents in the index that are conceptually similar to your query text.

You must provide query text by setting the Text parameter. IDOL Content Component extracts the best terms and weights from the text that you provide, and uses these terms to query the index for similar documents.

By default, IDOL Content Component extracts the best 40 terms. You can configure the number of terms to use by using the SuggestTerms configuration parameter.

Example analysis discovered methods to determine the exact sequence of nucleotides that compose a specific gene

This action requests documents that are conceptually similar to the highest weighted words in the specified query text.

Required Parameters

The following action parameters are required.

Parameter Description
Text The text to suggest on.

Optional Parameters

This action accepts the following optional parameters.

Parameter Description
Abridged (Internal parameter) Whether to send abridged results to the DAH.
AbsWeight Use absolute weights, rather than percentage relevance.
AnyLanguage Allows IDOL Content Component to return documents in any language.
CaseSensitive Determines the case sensitivity of field specifiers.
Characters The number of characters that a summary can contain.
Cluster Clusters the results that IDOL Content Component returns.
ClusterThreshold The percentage relevance that documents must have to each other to be grouped in a cluster.
ClusterTitleLength The maximum number of characters in a cluster title.
Combine Combine results that derive from the same source.
CombineNumber Increases the number of results that the action retruns, if you set Combine to FieldCheck, or to a reference field.
CustomWeight Whether to use your custom term weight file, if one exists.
DAHEndState Define the range of results to return in a batch.
DAHStartState Returns results in batches.
DatabaseMatch The database to retrieve results from.
DetectLanguageType Detect the correct language type of the text.
DontMatchID Document IDs for documents that you do not want to return.
DontMatchReference References for documents that you do not want to return.
EndTag The end HTML tag to apply to highlighted terms.
FieldCheck Match results that have a specified value in a FieldCheckType field.
FieldRecurse Returns the chain of values in a document ReferenceMemoryMappedType field.
FieldText Add a field restriction to the query.
Highlight Whether to highlight link terms or sentences in the results.
HighlightTagTerm Adds an attribute to the StartTag to indicate the term that is highlighted.
IRS Send the query to an instant response server (IRS).
LanguageType The language type of the query text.
LinkFieldText The FieldText expression to match in the linked documents, when FieldText contains an expression with the LINK field specifier.
MatchEncoding The encoding that a document must have to return.
MatchID Document IDs for documents that you want to return.
MatchLanguage The language that a document must have to return.
MatchLanguageType The language type that a document must have to return.
MatchReference Document references that can return.
MaxDate The maximum creation date that a document can have to return.
MaxID The highest document ID to return.
MaxPrintChars The maximum number of characters to print in fields.
MaxResults The maximum number of results to print.
MaxScore The maximum score that results can obtain.
MinDate The minimum creation date that a document can have to return.
MinDocOccs The minimum number of occurrences that a term must have to be used in the SuggestOnText query.
MinID The minimum document ID to list.
MinLinks The minimum number of links in results documents.
MinScore The minimum score that results must have.
MinTermLength The minimum length that a term can have after stemming.
MultiStage Use multistage query for the DAH.
MultiStageInfo The VDBs to use for the multistage query.
MultiStageMinResults The minimum number of results to return in the multistage query.
MultiStagePageBackward Page backward in the multistage query.
MultiStageStartState The start state for the multistage query.
MultiStageTotalStages The total number of stages for the multistage query.
OutputEncoding The encoding to convert the results to.
PerformanceAnalysis Return query performance information.
Predict Whether to predict the total number of results.
Print Defines the fields to display.
PrintEngine Whether to display information about the DAH child servers that results come from.
PrintFields Overrides fields that display by default.
QuerySummary Return a summary of the best terms and phrases in the results.
ReferenceField Restricts the DontMatchReference and MatchReference parameters to the specified reference field.
SecurityInfo The security details.
Sentences The number of sentences that the summary can contain.
SingleMatch Return a single result.
Sort The display order to use for results.
Start Print results from this position onwards.
StartTag The opening HTML tag to apply to highlighted terms.
StateDontMatchID The state token of a group of documents to not return.
StateMatchID The state token of a group of documents to return.
StateMatchOriginalSection Whether to return only sections from a state token that were matched in the original query.
Stemming Whether to use stemming for advanced search.
StoreState Whether to store results in a state token.
StoredStateField The field that contains reference values to use to create the state token.
StoredStateTokenLifetime The length of time to keep the stored state token.
Summary The type of summary to return with the results.
Synchronous Whether to run the action synchronously or asynchronously.
TimeoutMS The period after which the action times out.
TotalResults Displays the total number of results found.
WeighFieldText Adjusts results relevance according to FieldText matching.
XMLMeta Whether to return additional metadata for each result.

This action accepts the following standard ACI action parameters.

Parameter Description
ActionID A string to use to identify an ACI action.
EncryptResponse Encrypt the output.
FileName The file to write output to.
ForceTemplateRefresh Forces the server to load the template from disk.
Output Writes output to a file.
ResponseFormat The format of the action output.
Template The template to use for the action output.
TemplateParamCSVs A list of variables to use for the specified template.