
Set HighlightTagTerm to True to add an attribute to the HTML highlighting StartTag that indicates which term of the specified Text is being highlighted. If the highlighted term matches more than one of the query terms, it returns a comma-separated list of matching term indexes.

For example, if you set Text to cat+dog+mat, the term cat is highlighted with the specified StartTag and the extra attribute t="0", because it is the first term (for example, <font color="red" t="0">). The term dog is given the attribute t="1", and the term mat is given the attribute t="2".

NOTE: This option works only when the specified StartTag is an HTML or XML tag (for example, <mytag>). It works if you do not specify StartTag, because the default StartTag is <font color="red">.

Actions: Query
Type: Boolean
Default: False
Example: HighlightTagTerm=True
See Also: Highlight
Text (SuggestOnText)