
NOTE: This parameter description applies only to the GetTagValues action.

The method to use to sort the list of tag values in the response. You can use one of the following options:

Off Do not sort results.
Alphabetical Order values in alphabetical order.

Order values by date. The most recent date is listed first. For this option, the field that you specify in FieldName must contain date values.

NumberDecreasing Order values in numerical order, listing the highest number first. Non-numeric data is sorted alphabetically and ordered after the numeric data.
NumberIncreasing Order values in numerical order, listing the lowest number first. Non-numeric data is sorted alphabetically and ordered after the numeric data.
ReverseAlphabetical Order values in reverse alphabetical order.

Order values by date. The earliest date is listed first. For this option, the field that you specify in FieldName must contain date values.

Actions: GetTagValues
Type: String
Default: Off
Example: Sort=Alphabetical
See Also: FieldName