
A comma-separated list of IP addresses (or host names) of clients that have authorization for the functions included in this role. There must be no space before or after a comma.

You can use wildcards in an IP address, but not in a host name. For example, 187.*.*.* includes any machine with an IP address that starts with 187, but * is not permitted. You can also filter Clients by using CIDR notation.

You define the permissions that a particular role has by using StandardRoles, or by specifying the Actions, IndexActions, and ServiceActions that you want the role to be able to use. You define the users that belong to a particular role by using Clients, GSSPrincipals, and SSLIdentities. If a connection matches one of the allowed clients, principals, or SSL identities, they have permission to perform the operations allowed by the role.

Type: String
Required: No
Configuration Section: MyAuthorizationRole
Example: Clients=localhost,
See Also: GSSPrincipals