
A comma-separated list of standard roles that you want to enable for this role configuration.

You can use the following standard roles:

  • Admin. This role can perform administrative ACI actions.
  • Query. This role can perform non-administrative ACI actions.
  • Index. This role can perform index actions.
  • ServiceControl. This role can perform administrative service actions.
  • ServiceStatus. This role can perform status service actions.

You can also use an asterisk (*) to represent all standard roles.

NOTE: The named standard roles do not overlap. If you want a particular authorization role to be able to perform all actions, you must include all the standard roles (for example, by setting StandardRoles to *), or ensure that you assign the clients, SSL identities, and so on, to all relevant roles.

You can also define more specific roles by using the Actions, IndexActions, and ServiceActions parameters.

You define the users that belong to a particular role by using Clients, GSSPrincipals, and SSLIdentities. If a connection matches one of the allowed clients, principals, or SSL identities, they have permission to perform the operations allowed by the role.

By default, IDOL Content Component allows the localhost client for the Admin and ServiceControl standard roles, and allows all clients for the Query, Index, and ServiceStatus roles. Setting any value for Clients, GSSPrincipals, or SSLIdentities overrides these default values.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you delete any deprecated RoleClients parameters from your configuration (where Role corresponds to a standard role name). If you have clients allowed in the RoleClients parameters, IDOL Content Component adds these permissions to any that you specify in authorization roles.

Type: String
Required: No
Configuration Section: MyAuthorizationRole
Example: StandardRoles=Admin,ServiceControl
See Also: Clients
