InfoConnect API Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts Namespace / PrinterOrientationOption Enumeration

In This Topic
    PrinterOrientationOption Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Options for specifying the default page orientation used to print host documents.
    Public Enum PrinterOrientationOption 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As PrinterOrientationOption
    public enum PrinterOrientationOption : System.Enum 
    DefaultUses the page orientation sent down from the host to print the document.
    LandscapeForces the page orientation to landscape mode (11" x 8.5"), regardless of what the document is configured for on the host.
    PortraitForces the page orientation to portrait mode (8.5" x 11"), regardless of what the document is configured for on the host.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also