Command Line Parameters

When you run Accessory Manager using a command line, you can add a number of parameters to the executable file name. By adding these parameters, you can control certain aspects of how Accessory Manager runs and its appearance.

For example, if you add the name of a layout file to the command line, Accessory Manager will automatically display the session windows that were open when that layout file was last saved.

Table 1

To do this

Type this command line parameter

Open a specific session



-C session_name

where session_name is the name of the session to open, including the file extension.

To specify the InfoConnect path to use for the session on the command line, you must use the -C parameter.

Use a particular InfoConnect path

-P path_name

where path_name is the Path ID of the path to use

If you use the -P parameter, you must specify a session using the -C parameter or the -K parameter described below.

Specify the caption for the session

-E caption

where caption is the name to display in the caption of the session window

You must first specify a session using the -C parameter before you can specify a caption using the -E parameter. In addition, if you include spaces in the caption, you must enclose the phrase in double quotation marks (for example, -E "This Name").

Open a layout file


where layout_name is the name of the layout to open, including the file extension (.AWW)

Position the application window

-L (x,y,xx,yy)

where x and y are the coordinates of the top left corner of the window, and xx and yy are the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the windowFor a 640x480 resolution monitor, the xx range is 0-639, and the yy range is 0-479.

Open a default session profile

-K keyname

where keyname is the name of the default session profile (MT for T27, UTS60 for UTS, and ALC for ALC.

Example 1 Using Command Line Parameters

The following Command Line entry runs Accessory Manager, positions the application window, and opens the session TCPA_1.ADP using the path TCPA_1 and the caption My T27 Session.

-L (0,0,400,600) -C TCPA_1.ADP -P TCPA_1 -E "My T27 Session"

To specify command line parameters

  1. Access the command line.

    Click the Start button and click Run. The Open line is the command line. You can also create a shortcut and specify a command line for the shortcut. To do this, right-click the desktop, point to New, and click Shortcut from the cascading menu. Then, in the Command Line, type the command described in step 2.

  2. Type the name and location of Accessory Manager's executable file

    (such as C:\PROGRAM FILES\Micro Focus\INFOCNEE\ACCMGR32\ACCMGR32.EXE), and add one or more command line parameters.