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Using MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access

MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access is an add-on product that enables you to configure user access to host applications using a single login. This add-on product requires a separate license.


If you are using a z/OS system, see Setting Up Automated Sign-On for Mainframe

Prerequisites and System Requirements

Before installing or configuring MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access, the following requirements must be met:

  • Management and Security Server (the Administrative Server) is installed.

  • Terminal emulation software, such as Reflection Desktop, is installed on the client and administrator's workstations.

  • The MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access Add-On activation file is available (after purchase).

  • LDAP directory is used for user authorization.

Installing MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access

The MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access Add-on product is installed with an activation file. Follow these steps.

  1. After purchasing MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access Add-On, you will receive information about downloading the product activation file: activation.automated_signon_for_hostaccess-<version>.jaw

  2. Download the activation file and note the location.

  3. In the Management and Security Server, open the MSS Administrative Console and click Configure Settings - Product Activation.

  4. Click ACTIVATE NEW and browse to activation.automated_signon_for_hostaccess-<version>.jaw.

  5. Click the file. The MSS Automated Sign-On for Host Access Add-On is installed and added to the Product list.

  6. Restart your browser to ensure that the MSS Administrative Console is fully updated with the new set of activation files. You do not need to restart the MSS Server service.

Next step

After Automated Sign-on for Host Access Add-On is activated, settings must be configured on different systems:

  • your host
  • Management and Security Server (MSS)
  • your emulator

Refer to the technical reference, Configuring MSS Automated Sign-on for Host Access, in the MSS Administrator Guide for details.