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-U cob flag **ERROR** cob Flags
Descriptions of Flags
-u cob flag **ERROR** Descriptions of Flags
ublksize Communications Configuration File Parameters
UDB-VERSION DB2 directive option Database Access UDB-VERSION DB2 Directive Option
Un-set Breakpoint function **ERROR** Un-set Breakpoint
unAccessData method COM. COBOL and .NET Direct Access to SafeArray Data
Undecl **ERROR** Special Queries
Undeclared procedures
listing **ERROR** Special Queries
Undefine group Dialog System Character Mode G Undefine Group (F7)
Undefined results Migration Cookbook Undefined Results
**ERROR** Undefined Results
Underline attribute **ERROR** Character Attribute Codes
UNDERLINE clause COBOL Language Reference The UNDERLINE Clause
UNDERLINE option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
Underline terminal mode **ERROR** Highlighting
Underscore (double) prefix Migration Cookbook List of Features
Adis function **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
undocking Readme Q? When I use ACCEPT or DISPLAY, the text appears in a small area inside the IDE window. How can I m
Unexec **ERROR** Special Queries
Unexpected Error dialog box Readme Information We Need
Unexpected terminations Configuration and Administrati Types of Failure
Unexpected System Termination
Unformatted data display **ERROR** Unformatted Mode
Unformatted view File Handling Left-Hand Pane
printing File Handling Printing Records from the Left-Hand Pane
Unicode COBOL Language Reference Literals
data types Database Access Unicode Character Strings
UNICODE Compiler directive Compiler Directvies UNICODE
Unicode support Database Access Unicode Support in OpenESQL
Setting OpenESQL Assistant Options
development system license **ERROR** Uninstalling a License Key
Fixpack **ERROR** Uninstalling a Fixpack
known errors Readme Uninstalling
Uniqueness of reference COBOL Language Reference Uniqueness of Reference
uniquify **ERROR** Function List
Unisys extension **ERROR** Unisys Extension
features supported **ERROR** Features Supported
file access **ERROR** Unisys File Access
introduction **ERROR** Introduction
mainframe connectivity **ERROR** Unisys File Access
Unisys support **ERROR** Unisys Support
Unit COBOL Language Reference The CLOSE Statement
UNIT phrase
CLOSE statement COBOL Language Reference The CLOSE Statement
Unit test CGI-based Applications Debugging and Testing Internet Applications
Universal Client
data conversion MTO Configuration and Administ If You Use CICS Transaction Gateway
enabling with MTO MTO Configuration and Administ CICS Transaction Gateway
Universal object references Object-oriented Programming wi Using Object References
Using the INVOKE Statement
UNIX Dialog System Character Mode G Environments
CGI-based Applications Overview
authentication schemes **ERROR** UNIX Authentication
cci.ini file Configuring CCI CCI.INI - The CCI Configuration File
CCINAMPU configuration Configuring CCI CCINAMPU Configuration
configuring applications Configuring CCI Application Configuration
error messages Configuring CCI CCI Status Messages
filename File Handling Filename Conventions
Fileshare Fileshare Guide Fileshare on UNIX
supported character set Dialog System Character Mode G Supported UNIX Characters
TCP/IP Configuring CCI CCITCP Configuration
tracing Configuring CCI CCI Trace
UNIX application
publishing UNIX Option Tuitorials Publish the Application
running UNIX Option Tuitorials Run the Application
UNIX deployment
basic tutorial UNIX Option Tuitorials Deploying an Application on UNIX
UNIX filenames UNIX Option Guide Case Sensitivity
UNIX key usage chart **ERROR** UNIX Key Usage Chart
**ERROR** UNIX Key Usage Chart
**ERROR** UNIX Key Usage Chart
**ERROR** UNIX Key Usage Chart
UNIX Option UNIX Option Guide Introduction
compatibility UNIX Option Guide Compatibility With Previous Versions of the UNIX Option
Dialog System UNIX Option Guide Introduction
environment variables UNIX Option Guide Environment Variables
frequently asked questions Readme UNIX Option
generated files UNIX Option Tuitorials Files Created
known errors Readme UNIX Option
PowerTerm UNIX Option Guide Introduction
Publisher UNIX Option Guide Introduction
Samba UNIX Option Guide Introduction
setting miscellaneous details UNIX Option Guide Setting Miscellaneous Details
UNIX option
basic tutorial UNIX Option Tuitorials Deploying an Application on UNIX
UNIX portability
in UNIX Option UNIX Option Tuitorials Build the Application
UNIX Screens Compare utility **ERROR** Using the UNIX Screens Compare Utility
changing the current screen file **ERROR** Changing the Current Screen File
compare mode **ERROR** Using the UNIX Screens Compare Utility
extending screen size **ERROR** Screen Size
final messages **ERROR** UNIX Screens Compare Utility Final Messages
invoking **ERROR** Invoking the UNIX Screens Compare Utility
menus **ERROR** Menus
playback mode **ERROR** Using the UNIX Screens Compare Utility
playing back a single file **ERROR** Playing Back a Single File
speeding up screen display **ERROR** Speeding up the Screen Display
viewing screen file differences **ERROR** Viewing Screen File Differences
UNIX screensets Dialog System Character Mode G UNIX Screensets
UNIX Session Recorder **ERROR** UNIX Session Recorder
and Animator **ERROR** F5=animate
comparing screen recordings **ERROR** Screens Compare Utility
filenames **ERROR** Session Filenames
keystroke recorder **ERROR** Keystroke Recorder
limitations **ERROR** Limitations
screen recorder **ERROR** Screen Recorder
terminal independence **ERROR** Terminal Independence
using **ERROR** Using the UNIX Session Recorder
using with Animator **ERROR** Using the UNIX Session Recorder with Animator
UNIX system loader **ERROR** UNIX System Linker and Loader
UNIX terminal handling **ERROR** cobkeymp Tables
Unlinked object **ERROR** UNIX System Linker and Loader
UNLOCK statement COBOL Language Reference The UNLOCK Statement
unlockUID **ERROR** Function List
Unmanaged connections
resource adapters Java and COBOL Using an Unmanaged Connection under J2SE
Unref **ERROR** Special Queries
unregisterServer method COM. COBOL and .NET Out-of-process Servers
Unresolved reference **ERROR** Resolving Unresolved References
Resolving Unresolved References
Unselect all entries
export Dialog System Character Mode G Unselect All Entries (F5)
Unselect all panels
export Dialog System Character Mode G Unselect All Panels (F5)
Unshow panel Dialog System Character Mode G Unshow Panel (F4)
UNSHOW-WINDOW Dialog System Guide Unshowing a Window
Unsolicited dynamic attachment debugging **ERROR** Animator and Application Development
invoking **ERROR** Unsolicited Dynamic Attachment Debugging
tutorial **ERROR** Unsolicited Dynamic Attachment Debugging
Unsort Dialog System Character Mode G Unsort (F7)
Unsort list
panel field Dialog System Character Mode G Unsort List (F8)
UNSTRING statement COBOL Language Reference The UNSTRING Statement
DBCS characters COBOL Language Reference The UNSTRING Statement (DBCS)
The UNSTRING Statement
Untyped object references Object-oriented Programming wi Using Object References
unused analysis **ERROR** Unused Analysis
unused function **ERROR** Function List
unwanted items
excluding **ERROR** Excluding an Unwanted Set from the Worksheet
UP clause
SET statement COBOL Language Reference The SET Statement
Up Table function **ERROR** Up Table
menu choice Dialog System Guide Modifying Menu Items at Run Time
UPDATE behavior
Update field
force update in Adis **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
UPDATE option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
The ACCEPT Statement
Update warning
Data File Editor File Handling Switching Off Warning Prompts
UPDATE-LIST-ITEM Dialog System Guide Adding Items Using Dialog
updates Readme Updates and SupportLine
updates for Net Express Readme Q? What is SupportLine?
updateshared **ERROR** Function List
Updating a database CGI-based Applications Tutoria Update the Database
Updating a license License Management System User Using the License Management System
UPON phrase COBOL Language Reference The SUM Clause (Report Writer)
Upper case
field property Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
UPPER option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
UPPER-CASE function COBOL Language Reference The UPPER-CASE Function
URL CGI-based Applications Changing Application URLs
panel field Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
USAGE clause COBOL Language Reference Working-Storage Section
The USAGE Clause
DBCS characters COBOL Language Reference The USAGE Clause (DBCS)
The USAGE Clause
Linkage Section COBOL Language Reference Linkage Section
Microsoft COBOL COBOL Language Reference The USAGE Clause
Report Writer COBOL Language Reference The USAGE Clause
RM/COBOL **ERROR** Types of Data
COBOL Language Reference The USAGE Clause
Screen Section COBOL Language Reference The USAGE Clause in the Screen Section
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference The BINARY, COMPUTATIONAL and COMPUTATIONAL-5 phrases
The USAGE Clause
Usage clauses
cobcall() method Java and COBOL Using the cobcall() Methods
Usage counters
decisions **ERROR** Deciding how to Deploy the Usage Counters
enabling **ERROR** Enabling, Disabling and Distributing Usage Counters
introduction **ERROR** Introduction to Metering
problems **ERROR** Enabling, Disabling and Distributing Usage Counters
safeguarding **ERROR** Safeguarding the Usage Counters
usage counters
metering **ERROR** Introduction to Metering
metering code **ERROR** Metering Code
metering procedure **ERROR** Metering Lines of Code
safeguarding **ERROR** Safeguarding the Usage Counters
USAGE DISPLAY **ERROR** Fixed-format Data Entry
Format of Displayed Data
use an SDF name **ERROR** Component Parameters
USE BEFORE REPORTING statement COBOL Language Reference The USE BEFORE REPORTING Statement
USE Compiler directive **ERROR** The DIRECTIVES and USE Directives
Compiler Directvies USE
use component name **ERROR** Component Parameters
Use CSI line marker **ERROR** The Source Listing
Use default directory
generate Dialog System Character Mode G Use Default Directory (F3)
USE FOR DEBUGGING statement COBOL Language Reference The USE FOR DEBUGGING Statement
use of data items **ERROR** Subtracting Irrelevant Data Items
use oracle keywords **ERROR** Component Parameters
Use stacked field Dialog System Character Mode G Use Stacked Field (F6)
USE statement COBOL Language Reference The USE Statement
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference The USE Statement
use-combined-cfg Communications Using The In-line Configuration Facility
use-rdt Communications The Reduced Data Transfer Facility
User account
Directory Server Configuration and Administrati Your User Account Strategy
User activity SQL Option Server Administrati User Activity
User attribute Character User Interfaces Attribute Encoding
**ERROR** Attribute Encoding
The User Attribute
encoding Character User Interfaces UNIX Attribute Encoding
**ERROR** Attribute Encoding
User control Dialog System Guide User Controls
SQL Option Server Administrati User Control
benefits Dialog System Guide User Controls
User Controls
properties Dialog System Guide Specify the User Control
User Defined Functions
DB2 Database Access User Defined Functions
User exit programs Configuration and Administrati User Exits for Request Handlers
deploying Configuration and Administrati Deploying a User Exit Program
User function keys **ERROR** The Key Lists
compatibility key list **ERROR** The Compatibility Key List
detecting **ERROR** Detecting User Function Keys
enabling/disabling **ERROR** Enabling and Disabling the User Function Keys
validation clause Character User Interfaces The User Function Keys and Validation Clauses
**ERROR** The User Function Keys and Validation Clauses
USER ID field Extensing CICS Applications USER ID and PASSWORD Fields
User identification
Drag and Drop **ERROR** Configuring Drag and Drop
User IDs Configuration and Administrati Invalid Credentials Error
Directory Server Configuration and Administrati Setting Security Options
Starting and Stopping the Directory Server
User interaction
services Interface Mapping Toolkit User Interaction
User Interface
User interface **ERROR** Dialog System
defining Dialog System Guide Designing Your Interface
Defining Objects for Your Screen Layout
design goals Dialog System Guide Designing Your Interface
life cycle Dialog System Guide How Dialog System Helps
User interface for database via Web
basic tutorial CGI-based Applications Tutoria Creating a Web Database Application
user interface for GUI
basic tutorial Dialog System Tutorials Creating a Windows GUI Application
User interface for Web
introduction CGI-based Applications Tutoria Creating a Web Application
User keys Character User Interfaces Function Keys
user name **ERROR** User
USER option for Compare and Synchronize Monitor **ERROR** Starting
user options **ERROR** Introduction to the REQL Language
User options help in ChangeMan **ERROR** Customizing Help for User Options
user project location mfuser Getting Started Projects and Project Folders
User resource statistics SQL Option Server Administrati User Resource Statistics
User sessions list Configuration and Administrati The Sessions List
User validation Dialog System Guide Validation Criteria
user worksheets **ERROR** User Worksheets
User-defined field format Dialog System Character Mode G Control of User-defined Field Formats
User-defined format
panel field Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
User-defined functions
creating Object-oriented Programming wi User-defined Functions
user-defined relations **ERROR** Function List
user-defined tabs **ERROR** Introduction to the Worksheet
sharing **ERROR** Methods of Sharing Classifications, Filters, User-defined Tabs and Assignment Rules
User-defined word COBOL Language Reference COBOL Words
DBCS characters COBOL Language Reference User-defined Words
User-defined Words
User-ID grouping Fileshare Guide User-ID Groups
User-supplied compression routines File Handling User-supplied Compression Routines
useraudit Communications Configuration File Parameters
usercall.c program **ERROR** usercall.c
enterprise server Readme Q? Why don't enterprise servers run under my userID?
ESMAC Configuration and Administrati Security
USING clause COBOL Language Reference The USING Clause
Using control programs Dialog System Guide Tutorial - Adding and Customizing a Status Bar
Tutorial - Adding and Customizing a Menu Bar and Toolbar
Using Dialog System clock ActiveX Dialog System Guide Using the Dialog System Clock ActiveX Control
USING phrase
ENTRY statement COBOL Language Reference The ENTRY Statement
MERGE statement COBOL Language Reference File Section
The MERGE Statement
Repository paragraph COBOL Language Reference The Repository Paragraph
SORT statement COBOL Language Reference File Section
The SORT Statement
Using the ActiveX control program Dialog System Guide Tutorial - Adding an ActiveX Control
USRCMD Infomgr configuration option **ERROR** Configuration File
UTF8String **ERROR** UTF8String
DSNTIAC SQL Option Preprocessor Guide DSNTIAR Facility
DSNTIAR SQL Option Preprocessor Guide DSNTIAR Facility
utilities **ERROR** Customizing the Analysis Environment
cob **ERROR** COBOL System Interface (Cob)
fsclose Fileshare Guide Running Fileshare as a Background Process
Mkrts **ERROR** The mkrts Utility
Rebuild File Handling Rebuild
rollforward recovery Fileshare Guide Rollforward Recovery Utility
starting in required mode **ERROR** Starting the Required Tool
FSView MTO Configuration and Administ FSView
mvspcrn.exe MTO Configuration and Administ Bulk Update of Catalog
Utility program
Dfhpcryp MTO Configuration and Administ Replacing the Password Encryption and Decryption Scheme
utils.lbr library **ERROR** List of Features
UUIDGEN COM. COBOL and .NET Editing Registry Entries
Editing Registry Entries

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