To Set Up The DB2 User Environment

  1. Create a plain text file that will serve as your ACUFH configuration file.
  2. Within the ACUFH configuration file, set the A_DB2_LOGIN and A_DB2_PASSWD variables, like so:
    A_DB2_LOGIN user-name
    A_DB2_PASSWD passwd
    Note: Alternatively, you may not want to specify such details in a file. In which case, you can either set them as environment variables, or set the password variable from your COBOL program by prompting the user to enter a password and then executing:
  3. Set the A_DB2_DATASOURCE variable using one of the methods mentioned in the previous step.
  4. Define any other ACUFH configuration file variables you require for your unique environment. For example, consider whether or not setting the USER_PATH variable would be useful in your setup situation.
    Note: Due to current limitations with the interface, ensure A_DB2_USE_CHAR_FOR_BINARY is included and set to 1.
  5. Set the A_CONFIG environment variable to identify your ACUFH configuration file.