5.13 Restrictions with Domain Names

5.13.1 DSfW Does Not Support Domain Names Ending with *.local

When a domain name ends with *.local, the *.local top-level domain is regarded as a link-local domain, and the DNS queries are sent to a multicast address instead of a normal DNS request. Therefore, avoid specifying a domain name such as example.local.

5.13.2 DSfW Does Not Support A Single-Label Domain Name

Single-label domain name does not contain a suffix, such as *.com, *.corp, *.net, *.org, or companyname. For instance, the host is a single-label DNS name.

DSfW domain names must consist of one or more subdomains that are combined with a top-level domain that is separated by a dot character ("."). For example: example.com or corp.example.com.