Specification of package Corba.Datainputstream

 ==================================================== --
 ===  Code automatically generated by IDL to Ada  === --
 ===  compiler OrbAda-idl2ada                     === --
 ===  Copyright Top Graph'X  1997-2001            === --
 ==================================================== --
 From IDL file ../orb.idl
with Corba_Ios ;
with Corba.Value ;
with Corba.Object ;
with Corba.Abstractbase ;
with Corba.Mapping ;
pragma Elaborate_All (Corba.Value) ;
package CORBA.DataInputStream is

   type Value_Ref is new Corba.Value.Base with null record;

    Methods of this valuetype --

   function read_any
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Any ;

   function read_boolean
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Boolean ;

   function read_char
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Char ;

   function read_wchar
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Wchar ;

   function read_octet
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Octet ;

   function read_short
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Short ;

   function read_ushort
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Unsigned_Short ;

   function read_long
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Long ;

   function read_ulong
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Unsigned_Long ;

   function read_longlong
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Long_Long ;

   function read_ulonglong
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Unsigned_Long_Long ;

   function read_float
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Float ;

   function read_double
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Double ;

   function read_string
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.String ;

   function read_wstring
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Wide_String ;

   function read_Object
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Object.Ref ;

   function read_Abstract
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return CORBA.AbstractBase.Ref ;

   function read_Value
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.Value.Base ;

   function read_TypeCode
      (Self : in Value_Ref)
      return Corba.TypeCode.Object ;

   procedure read_any_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.AnySeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_boolean_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.BooleanSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_char_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.CharSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_wchar_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.WCharSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_octet_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.OctetSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_short_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.ShortSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_ushort_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.UShortSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_long_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.LongSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_ulong_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.ULongSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_ulonglong_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.ULongLongSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_longlong_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.LongLongSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_float_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.FloatSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   procedure read_double_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.DoubleSeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;

   function read_fixed
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       IDL_digits : in Corba.Unsigned_Short;
       scale : in Corba.Short)
      return Corba.Any ;

   procedure read_fixed_array
      (Self : in Value_Ref;
       seq : in out CORBA.Mapping.AnySeq;
       offset : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       length : in Corba.Unsigned_Long;
       IDL_digits : in Corba.Unsigned_Short;
       scale : in Corba.Short) ;

    TGX: implementation specific method  --
   procedure Unmarshal ( Stream : access Corba_Ios.Iop_Stream_Type ;
                         Data   : out Value_Ref ) ;
   Null_Value_Ref : constant Value_Ref := (Corba.Value.Base with null record);

   DataInputStream_R_Id : constant Corba.RepositoryId :=
      Corba.To_Corba_String ("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/DataInputStream:1.0") ;
end CORBA.DataInputStream;

List of definition uses

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