Specification of package Corba.Repository_Root.Sequencedef
==================================================== --
=== Code automatically generated by IDL to Ada === --
=== compiler OrbAda-idl2ada === --
=== Copyright Top Graph'X 1997-2005 === --
==================================================== --
From IDL file ../omg/CORBA_InterfaceRepository.idl
with Corba_Ios ;
with Corba.Object ;
with Corba.Repository_Root.Idltype ;
pragma Elaborate_All (Corba.Object) ;
package CORBA.Repository_Root.SequenceDef is
type Ref is new Repository_Root.IDLType.Ref with null record;
Methods of this interface --
function Get_bound
(Self : in Ref)
return Corba.Unsigned_Long ;
procedure Set_bound
(Self : in Ref;
To : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;
function Get_element_type
(Self : in Ref)
return Corba.TypeCode.Object ;
function Get_element_type_def
(Self : in Ref)
return Repository_Root.IDLType.Ref ;
procedure Set_element_type_def
(Self : in Ref;
To : in Repository_Root.IDLType.Ref) ;
Null_Ref : constant Ref := (Repository_Root.IDLType
.Null_Ref with null record);
Tgx_Service_Name : Corba.ObjectId := Corba.To_Corba_String
("InterfaceRepository") ;
SequenceDef_R_Id : constant Corba.RepositoryId :=
Corba.To_Corba_String ("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/SequenceDef:1.0") ;
Collocated calls profiles and callers
type Tgx_Get_bound_Ptr is access function
(Self : in Ref)
return Corba.Unsigned_Long;
Tgx_Get_bound_Caller : Tgx_Get_bound_Ptr ;
type Tgx_Set_bound_Ptr is access procedure
(Self : in Ref;
To : in Corba.Unsigned_Long);
Tgx_Set_bound_Caller : Tgx_Set_bound_Ptr ;
type Tgx_Get_element_type_Ptr is access function
(Self : in Ref)
return Corba.TypeCode.Object;
Tgx_Get_element_type_Caller : Tgx_Get_element_type_Ptr ;
type Tgx_Get_element_type_def_Ptr is access function
(Self : in Ref)
return Repository_Root.IDLType.Ref;
Tgx_Get_element_type_def_Caller : Tgx_Get_element_type_def_Ptr ;
type Tgx_Set_element_type_def_Ptr is access procedure
(Self : in Ref;
To : in Repository_Root.IDLType.Ref);
Tgx_Set_element_type_def_Caller : Tgx_Set_element_type_def_Ptr ;
end CORBA.Repository_Root.SequenceDef;
List of definition uses
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