33.6 Performing Workload Test Cutover or Cutover

After a workload is successfully replicated, you can either test the workload even before the actual cutover or perform an actual cutover of the workload to complete the migration.

33.6.1 Using the Migrate Web Interface

To perform test cutover of the workload:

  1. On the Workloads page, select the replicated workload that you want to migrate.

  2. Click Test Cutover.

  3. (Optional) On the Workload Commands page, set the following options as appropriate:

    • Shutdown Target Workload

    • Perform Incremental Replication

  4. Click Execute.

    PlateSpin Migrate starts the test cutover of the workload. On successful completion of a Test Cutover operation, the system generates an event associated with two tasks: Mark Test as Success and Mark Test as Failure.

  5. Depending on the status of test cutover, click one of the appropriate tasks to cancel the Test Cutover operation and log a corresponding event.

To perform cutover of the workload:

  1. On the Workloads page, select the replicated workload that you want to migrate.

  2. Click Run Cutover.

  3. (Optional) On the Workload Commands page, set the following options as appropriate:

    • Shutdown Source (Selected by default)

    • Shutdown Target Workload

    • Perform Incremental Replication (Selected by default)

  4. Click Execute to create the cutover workload.