15.3 Restore the Data and Settings

After you have deployed a replacement PlateSpin Transformation Manager Appliance, you must import the data from the old PTM Appliance and re-apply your custom settings on the new PTM Appliance.

NOTE:Ensure that no users are logged in to the PTM Web Interface on the replacement PTM Appliance during this process.

To restore the data and settings from the old Appliance:

  1. In a web browser, go to the Appliance Management Console URL for the replacement PTM Appliance, then and log in as the vaadmin user.


  2. In the Appliance Management Console, stop the PTM-related services in the order indicated:

    1. Click System Services .

    2. Stop the local Connector service. Select the PlateSpin Migrate Connector for PTM service, then select Action > Stop.

      Wait for the Status to change to Stopped before you continue.

    3. Stop the PTM service. Select the PlateSpin Transformation Manager service, then select Action > Stop.

      Wait for the Status to change to Stopped before you continue.

    4. Stop the PostgreSQL service. Select the PostgreSQL service, then select Action > Stop.

      Wait for the Status to change to Stopped before you continue.

  3. In the Appliance Management Console, enable the SSH service:

    1. In System Services, select the SSH service, then select Action > Start.

    2. Click Close to exit System Services.

  4. Exit the Appliance Management Console and close the web browser.

  5. On your management computer, establish an SSH session and log in as the root user to the replacement PTM Appliance.

  6. Import the previously exported data to the PTM database on the replacement Appliance:

    1. Start the PostgreSQL 10 database server. Enter

      su postgres -c "/usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgres -D /vastorage/ptm/pgsql/data" &
    2. Restore the PTM database in PostgreSQL 10 by using the backup file you created in Section 14.2, Back Up Data from the PTM Database. This file now resides on Disk 3 on the replacement Appliance, which you renamed as /vastorage_old. Enter

      su postgres -c "/usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -d postgres -f /vastorage_old/ptm/backup.sql"

      Wait for the restore to complete before you continue.

    3. Get the count of transformations in the restored PTM database. Enter

      su postgres -c "/usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -d transmgr -c 'select count(*) from tm.trans'"
    4. Compare the old database transformation counts (Step 4 in Section 14.2, Back Up Data from the PTM Database) with the restored database transformation counts (Step 6.c), and verify that the counts are the same.

    5. Overwrite the new pg_hba.conf file with the old pg_hba.conf file that you saved in Step 8 of Section 14.2, Back Up Data from the PTM Database.

    6. In a text editor, modify the new postgresql.conf file to add the previous configuration settings that you noted in Step 9 of Section 14.2, Back Up Data from the PTM Database.

  7. Open the Connector configuration file in a text editor, reapply settings from the old Connector configuration file that you saved in Save Local Connector Settings, then save the file.


  8. Apply custom settings from the old PTM Appliance as appropriate:

    1. (Optional) Apply the Jetty settings you saved in Section 14.4, Save Jetty Settings.

    2. (Optional) Apply the custom theme settings as described in Section 14.5, Save Customized Default Theme Files.

    3. (Conditional) Apply any custom settings that you made to the old PTM Appliance by using native Linux tools as the root user if they are still required in your network. This is not typical.

      For example, if proxy settings are required in your network, see Section 4.1, Configure Proxy Client Settings.

  9. At the terminal prompt, enter exit to close the SSH session.

  10. In a web browser, log in as the vaadmin user to the Appliance Management Console for the replacement PTM Appliance.

  11. In the Appliance Management Console, start the PTM-related services on the replacement appliance in the order indicated:

    1. Click System Services .

    2. If it is stopped, start the PostgreSQL service. Select the PostgreSQL service, then select Action > Start.

      Wait for the Status to change to Running before you continue.

    3. Start the PTM service. Select the PlateSpin Transformation Manager service, then select Action > Start.

      Wait for the Status to change to Running before you continue.

    4. If it is stopped, start the local Connector service. Select the PlateSpin Migrate Connector for PTM service, then select Action > Start.

      Wait for the Status to change to Running before you continue.

    5. Click Close to exit System Services.

  12. (Optional) In the Appliance Management Console, disable the SSH protocol on the Appliance.

    1. Click System Services .

    2. Select the SSH service.

    3. Select Action > Stop.

    4. Click Close to exit System Services.

  13. Exit the Appliance Management Console and close the web browser.

  14. Log in as the PTM System Administrator user to the PTM Web Interface, then verify that the old data is present and as expected.


  15. (Optional) Remove Disk 3 (/vastorage_old) from the appliance VM.

    See Section 15.4, Remove Disk 3 from the PTM Appliance VM.

  16. Continue with the next step in the upgrade process in Table 13-2, Overview of PTM Upgrade Process.