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Ensure that the Job Stops if the Security Test Fails

For this Evaluation, Don wants to be sure that files that do not pass the company's security test are not moved to the Transfer Site server in the DMZ. To mimic this circumstance in our evaluation setup, we'll make the safefiles.txt file read-only. When the Job command action tries to write to this file, the action will fail. Because the first Job action fails, no subsequent actions will run and you should get a failure email notification.

Test the Job with a command failure

  1. On the Reports file server, locate safefiles.txt, which was created by earlier tests in this location:


  2. Make this file read-only (right-click > Properties > Read-only).

  3. Copy one or more new *.pdf files to c:\Reports or update the existing files.

  4. Return to Gateway Administrator. If you are not still viewing the Reports Job, select it from the Jobs page and click Edit

  5. Click Run Now.

    This time you should receive a failure email notification.

    On the Transfer Site server, confirm that no new files were transferred to the Transfer Site directory (C:\Gateway\Reflection\Reports).

  6. After you've confirmed the failure case, return to the Reports file server and delete the read-only copy of safefiles.txt (or make it writable) so subsequent Jobs will succeed.

Test the Job again to be sure it is running successfully before you continue with the evaluation.