Defining password level caching policy

Password level caching is involved with the AS/400 display or AS/400 file transfer.

On AS/400 hosts, password protection capabilities can be set to different levels, such as short or long passwords. Client applications connecting to a AS/400 host must first query the password level set on the host. This slows down overall system performance, increasing both connection time and network traffic.

To save time, Web-to-Host caches password-level data, by default. The first time the password level is queried, the data is saved on the client PC. Afterwards, to avoid performance degradation, the cached password level value is used for each connection.

Cached data is host specific. Once the password level has been cached for a particular host, it is used by all sessions connecting to that host.

The following changes should be performed on the Java Script parts of the HTML session configuration files:

AS/400 Printer Pro Client

Comment out the old HostPwdLevel property setting.

AS/400 Display Pro Client

  • Comment out the old HostPwdLevel property setting.
  • Add the this.ResolvePwdLevelPolicy property setting to the stAS400DisplayProps() function:
    Property setting Description
    this.ResolvePwdLevelPolicy = 0 Query and cache the password level value once and use it from now on. Default value.
    this.ResolvePwdLevelPolicy = 1 Always query and cache the password level value on each connection.
    this.ResolvePwdLevelPolicy = 2 Never query the host for the password level value and use the lowest password level value on each connection.


    function stAS400DisplayProps()
    		this.SetMinFontSize = false;
    		this.FontPointSize = 0;
    		this.TypeAhead = true;
    		this.AutoReset = false;
    		this.StartupModelType = 2;
    		// HostPwdLevel is now deprecated. It should be cleared from old sessions.
    		//this.HostPwdLevel = false; 
    		this.SuppressDialogs = false;
    		this.ResolvePwdLevelPolicy = 2; 	// (0=Once, 1=Always, 2=Never)