Adding RumbaGlobals and ReflectionLegacySession

To add RumbaGlobals and ReflectionLegacySession, you must first export them from the Rumba+ VBA Editor, then import them into the Microsoft VBA Editor.
  1. Open the VBA Editor from Rumba+: Select Tools > New Macro > VBA.
  2. In the Project explorer, expand the Modules list, right-click RumbaGlobals and select Export File from the pop-up menu.
  3. Save the file.
  4. In the Project explorer, expand the Class Modules list, right-click ReflectionLegacySession and select Export File from the pop-up menu.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Close this instance of the VBA editor.
  7. Open the VBA Editor from Excel or another Office program: Select Developer tab > Code group > Visual Basic.
    Note: If the Developer tab is not visible, you can enable it:
    1. Select File > Options > Customize Ribbon
    2. Under Customize the Ribbon and Main Tabs, check Developer.
    3. Click OK.
  8. In the VBA Editor, select File > Import File
  9. Select RumbaGlobals.bas.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the VBA Editor, select File > Import File
  12. Select ReflectionLegacySession.cls.
  13. Click OK.