3.1 Sentinel Agent Manager Installation Checklist

This section guides you through the process of rolling out a configuration group.

Install Sentinel Agent Manager by completing the following checklist.


See Section

  1. Review planning and system requirements.

Planning to Install Sentinel Agent Manager

  1. Verify logon account permissions.


  1. Create service accounts.

Creating a Service Account

  1. Disable MSMQ Active Directory Integration, if not needed.

Disabling Active Directory Integration with Message Queuing

  1. Install Sentinel Agent Manager components.

Installing Sentinel Agent Manager

  1. Install any additional central computers.

Installing Additional Central Computers

  1. Deploy or manually install agents.

Installing Agents

  1. Configure Sentinel Agent Manager using the Configuration Wizard.

Configuring Sentinel Agent Manager

  1. Specify central computers for failover.

Specifying Central Computers for Failover

  1. Synchronize device time properties across your network.

Synchronizing Device Times

  1. Configure the Agent Manager Connector

Configuring the Agent Manager Connector

  1. Install and configure Collectors to collect and normalize data from the Agent Manager Connector.

Configuring Collectors

  1. Return to the implementation checklist.

Implementation Checklist