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Callable Rebuild

You can call Rebuild from your COBOL program as follows:

call "callrb" using commands status

where the parameters are:

commands A PIC X(600) item containing the Rebuild command line. This item must be 600 bytes in length because Rebuild scans the command line backwards from offset 599.
status A PIC XX COMP X item containing the returned file status. This item shows the result of the call to Rebuild.

When called from within a program, Rebuild does not display any of its usual messages.

If an error occurs or the rebuild is unsuccessful, RETURN-CODE contains a non-zero value and status contains the returned file status. You should always check RETURN-CODE and status after a call to Rebuild.

The possible values of RETURN-CODE are shown below.

Value Description
0 Rebuild executed successfully
1 An error occurred on the input file such as file not found or invalid file format - check status parameter
2 An error occurred on the output file - check status parameter
3 Error in sort
4 File is corrupt
5 Attempt to do a /k:a:exists
6 Attempt to do a /k:r:onprime
7 Attempt to do a /k:r:dontexist
8 Too many duplicates on out
9 The parameter list contained an error such as an invalid option or an invalid combination of options

If an error occurs, execute Rebuild from the command line on the same file with a set of identical options. The screen output should give a more precise indication as to the cause of the error.

Note: If you are using the -f option (validate an indexed file), then any non-zero RETURN-CODE indicates that the file is corrupt. Again, execute Rebuild from the command line on the same file with a set of identical options to obtain more precise information.

The following example shows Rebuild being called from within a COBOL program.

 01 parameters   pic x(600).
 01 status       pic xx comp-x.
     move "infile.dat,outfile.dat -s:lii -c:d1" to parameters
     call "callrb" using parameters,status
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