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Spool File Format Change

Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 WrapPack 2, and subsequent software releases change the format of the spool record held in the MVS Spool file, mvsspl01.dat.

After you install the WrapPack or new software releases that include this change, the MVS Spool file conversion is handled automatically. The spool process:

The mvsspl02.dat spool file is used in all subsequent processing.

However, if you revert to a previous release, the new format MVS Spool file records are not readable by an old version of the product. If you revert to a previous release, you can revert the new-format spool file to the old format.

To revert the mvsspl02.dat to mvsspl01.dat:

  1. Backup the existing mvsspl02.dat file.
  2. Set the MFSYSCAT Environment variable to the location of the System Catalog.
  3. Run the MVS Spool convert utility MFSPLRVT.

    This utility reads the records in the new format MVS Spool file mvsspl02.dat, converts then to the old format, and writes them to mvsspl01.dat. When this process completes, mvsspl02.dat is renamed to mvsspl02.r2.

When this completes, the MVS Spool file is readable in older versions of Server Enterprise Edition.

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