!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


/r option Fileshare GuideRollforward Recovery Utility
-r Rebuild option File HandlingRebuild Options
Radix selection Language ReferenceSelection of Character Representation and Radix
raiseExceptionWithTextCollection method Reference helpBase Method raiseExceptionWithTextCollection
Random access mode
indexed file Language ReferenceAccess Mode
READ statement Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
relative file Language ReferenceAccess Mode
REWRITE statement Language ReferenceThe REWRITE Statement
WRITE statement Language ReferenceThe WRITE Statement
RANDOM function Language ReferenceThe RANDOM Function
add Dialog System CharacterAdd Range (F7)
data keys in Adis accept Character UIsACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
remove Dialog System CharacterRemove Range (F8)
RANGE function Language ReferenceThe RANGE Function
Range/table validation Dialog System CharacterRange / Table Validation (F3)
Range/table validation alternate menu Dialog System CharacterAlternate Menu (Alt)
Range/table validation menu Dialog System CharacterRange / Table Validation (F3)
RAWLIST Compiler directive Reference helpRAWLIST
RDFPATH Compiler directive Language ReferenceThe Interface-ID Paragraph
The Repository Paragraph
OO ProgrammingCompiler Directives
Reference helpRDFPATH
See Reduced Data Transfer
RDW Compiler directive Reference helpRDW
Re-index file special operation code File HandlingSpecial Operation Codes
NLS message file Program DevelopmentList of Routines
READ clause
Read key
changing Utilities GuideFunctions
Read named value Program DevelopmentList of Routines
Read standard operation code File HandlingStandard Operation Codes
READ statement Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
DG I COBOL LR - Additional TopicsThe READ Statement
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional TopicsREAD Statement (in Manual Mode)
relative byte addressing File HandlingRead a Record
RM/COBOL Compatibility GuideEnd of File Notification
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsThe READ Statement
XML syntax Reference helpXML Syntax - READ Statement
result tables SQL Option SyntaxSELECT
Read-only environments SQL Option ServerRead-Only Environments
Read-only results
READSEMA configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
Migration GuideFile Handler
READY TRACE statement LR - Additional TopicsThe READY TRACE Statement
readyForApplicationStart method Reference helpBase Method readyForApplicationStart
Real SQL Option SyntaxReal
real data type Database AccessApproximate Numeric Data Types
reallydeepfinalize method Reference helpBase Method reallydeepfinalize
Rebuild utility File HandlingRebuild
Migration GuideRebuild
calling File HandlingCallable Rebuild
command line File HandlingCommand Line
error messages File HandlingError Messages
examples File HandlingRebuild Examples
execution errors File HandlingExecution Errors
information messages File HandlingInformation Messages
option File HandlingRebuild Options
option file File HandlingOption Files
syntax errors File HandlingSyntax Errors
warning messages File HandlingWarning Messages
browser information Distributed ComputingCGI Environment Variables
server information Distributed ComputingCGI Environment Variables
RECMODE Compiler directive File HandlingFixed-length and Variable-length Records
Reference helpRECMODE
Record SQL Option SyntaxRecord
area File HandlingRecord Area
deleting Language ReferenceThe DELETE Statement
fixed-length File HandlingFixed-length and Variable-length Records
Language ReferenceThe RECORD Clause
key Language ReferenceOrganization of Indexed Files
Access Mode
The DELETE Statement
length File HandlingRebuild Options
Differences in Behavior
lock Fileshare GuideTransaction Processing
Automatic Record Lock Timeout
maximum size Program DevelopmentCompiler Limits
relative byte addressing File HandlingRelative Byte Addressing
size Fileshare GuideServer Configuration
size limit File HandlingRun-time Limits
standard header File HandlingStandard Record Header
terminator User's GuideDescriptions of Switches
File HandlingDescriptions of Routines
variable-length File HandlingFixed-length and Variable-length Records
Language ReferenceThe RECORD Clause
RECORD clause Language ReferenceThe RECORD Clause
file control entry Language ReferenceThe File Control Entry
Record description Language ReferenceRecord Description Structure
Record Description Structure
Linkage Section Language ReferenceLinkage Records
Record format
changing Utilities GuideFunctions
Record id (rid) pool buffer SQL Option ServerRecord ID (RID) Pool Buffer
RECORD instruction
mfsort File HandlingRECORD Instruction
RECORD KEY clause Language ReferenceOrganization of Indexed Files
file control entry Language ReferenceThe File Control Entry
Record length
setting Utilities GuideFunctions
Record lock File HandlingRecord Locking
Language ReferenceSharing Files on Multi-user Systems
The DELETE Statement
The READ Statement
The READ Statement
C-ISAM file File HandlingDifferences in Behavior
CLOSE statement Language ReferenceThe CLOSE Statement
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional TopicsRecord LOCKING
OPEN statement Language ReferenceThe OPEN Statement
releasing File HandlingReleasing Record Locks
Language ReferenceThe UNLOCK Statement
RM/COBOL LR - Additional TopicsLocked Records
Record number display Utilities GuideUnformatted Mode
Record sequential file File HandlingRecord Sequential Files
Language ReferenceRecord Sequential Input/Output
CLOSE statement Language ReferenceThe CLOSE Statement
file control entry Language ReferenceThe File Control Entry
file description entry Language ReferenceFile Description Entry Skeleton
I/O error handling Language ReferenceThe USE Statement
locking Language ReferenceDefault Record Locking
OPEN statement Language ReferenceThe OPEN Statement
reading Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
rewriting Language ReferenceThe REWRITE Statement
sharing Language ReferenceSharing Files on Multi-user Systems
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsRecord Sequential Files
structure File HandlingRecord Sequential Files with Fixed Length Records
Record Sequential File with Variable Length Records
writing Language ReferenceThe WRITE Statement
Record structure
assigning Utilities GuideAssigning a Record Structure
Data File Editor Utilities GuideDefining a Record Structure
selecting Utilities GuideStructure Selector
Record structures Utilities GuideDisplay
saving Utilities GuideFunctions
Record-name Language ReferenceConventions for Condition-names, Data-names, File-names, Record-names, Report-names and Typedef-name
Recording mode
Rebuild file File HandlingRebuild Options
RECORDING MODE clause Language ReferenceThe RECORDING MODE Clause
Recording service I/O Enterprise Server HelpTo record service input and output
To record service input and output
adding Utilities GuideAdding Records
copying Utilities GuideFunctions
deleting SQL Option SyntaxTRUNCATE TABLE
Utilities GuideEditing Records
initialization Utilities GuideFunctions
inserting Utilities GuideEditing Records
modifying SQL Option SyntaxUPDATE (Searched)
UPDATE (Positioned)
restoring Utilities GuideFunctions
records SQL Option SyntaxOverview
records - definition of SQL Option SyntaxRecord
records - grouping SQL Option SyntaxHAVING Clause
Records - outer joins SQL Option SyntaxOuter Join
records - sorting (base table) SQL Option SyntaxORDER BY Clause
deployment license database Deployment LicensingRecovering from a Corrupt Database
Recovery SQL Option ServerLocation Recovery and ROLLFORWARD
from transient system failure SQL Option ServerTransient System Failure Recovery
lCheckpointFreq parameter SQL Option SyntaxCHECKPOINT
Recovery log file Fileshare GuideRollforward Recovery Logging
Database Reference File Maintenance
Recursion Program DevelopmentRecursive Routines
entry point Program DevelopmentWriting Recursive Routines
instance Program DevelopmentWriting Recursive Routines
writing routines Program DevelopmentWriting Recursive Routines
Recursive Inference Functions SQL Option ReferenceRecursive Inference Functions
Recursive program Language ReferenceCommon, Initial and Recursive Attributes
Recursive routines
writing Program DevelopmentWriting Recursive Routines
RecursiveSet class Reference helpRecursiveSet
REDEFINES clause Language ReferenceData Description Entry Skeleton
DBCS characters LR - Additional TopicsThe REDEFINES Clause
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsThe REDEFINES Clause
Redefinition of RM/COBOL data item Compatibility GuideRedefinition of COMPUTATIONAL or COMPUTATIONAL-6 Data Items
Compiler output User's GuideRedirection of Compiler Output
Rebuild output File HandlingRedirection of Information
redir_stdin_is_recsq run-time tunable User's GuideRun-time Tunables
Reduced Data Transfer Distributed ComputingThe Reduced Data Transfer Facility
Reducing disk I/O contention SQL Option ServerReducing Disk I/O Contention
Reel Language ReferenceThe CLOSE Statement
REEL phrase
CLOSE statement Language ReferenceThe CLOSE Statement
REENTRANT Compiler directive Multi-threadingReentrant Programs
Directives for Serial and Reentrant Programs
OO ProgrammingCompiler Directives
Reference helpREENTRANT
Reentrant program Multi-threadingReentrant Programs
considerations Multi-threadingConsiderations When Creating Reentrant Programs
performance limitations Multi-threadingConsiderations When Creating Reentrant Programs
restrictions Multi-threadingConsiderations When Creating Reentrant Programs
REF Compiler directive Migration GuideSyntax Checking
Reference helpREF
Reference format Language ReferenceReference Format
Reference Implementation
access rights Enterprise Server HelpTo grant access to resource adapters in the J2EE RI server
To grant access to resource adapters in the J2EE RI server
deploying Deployment GuideJ2EE 1.3.1 Reference Implementation
Deploying a Resource Adapter to the J2EE RI
Deploying EJBs to the J2EE RI
Enterprise Server HelpTo deploy a resource adapter to the J2EE RI server
To deploy an EJB to the J2EE RI server using the command line
To deploy an EJB to the J2EE RI server using the deploytool UI
To specify the coded name of the resource adapter on J2EE RI
To deploy a resource adapter to the J2EE RI server
To deploy an EJB to the J2EE RI server using the command line
To deploy an EJB to the J2EE RI server using the deploytool UI
To specify the coded name of the resource adapter on J2EE RI
installing Deployment GuideInstalling the J2EE Reference Implementation
starting and stopping Enterprise Server HelpTo start and stop the J2EE RI server
To start and stop the J2EE RI server
undeploying Enterprise Server HelpTo undeploy a resource adapter from the J2EE RI server
To undeploy a resource adapter from the J2EE RI server
Reference modification Language ReferenceReference Modification
Conditional Expressions
as source of protection violations Program DevelopmentIllegal Reference Modification
substitution markers Distributed ComputingSubstitution Markers
versus STRING statement Program DevelopmentSTRING Versus Reference Modification
Reference points
table handling Language ReferenceThe SET Statement
Reference-modifier Language ReferenceReference Modification
REFERENCES privilege SQL Option SyntaxGRANT (Table or View Privileges)
Referential Integrity SQL Option SyntaxConstraint Examples
foreign keys SQL Option SyntaxALTER TABLE
REFNO Compiler directive Reference helpREFNO
during ACCEPT/DISPLAY Character UIsFixed-format Data Entry
Refresh function Debugging GuideFunction Descriptions
Refresh functions Dialog System CharacterRefresh Functions
Refreshing page ES Config & AdminRefreshing a Page
Refreshing a Page
$REG Dialog System CharacterRegister Parameter
trap screen Dialog System CharacterTrace On/Off (F2)
register method Reference helpExceptionmanager Method register
Register parameters Dialog System CharacterRegister Parameter
registerBaseMessageFile method Reference helpBase Method registerBaseMessageFile
registermessagefile method Reference helpExceptionmanager Method registermessagefile
MessageFileHandler Method registermessagefile
registerMessageFileZ method Reference helpMessageFileHandler Method registerMessageFileZ
registermessagestring method Reference helpExceptionmanager Method registermessagestring
Regression testing Getting StartedMore Features
reject method Reference helpCollection Method reject
DBCScharacterarray Method reject
dictionary Method reject
dynamicArrayedCollection Method reject
sequencedcollection Method reject
"reject" method OO ProgrammingIterator Methods
Related-defns CSI option Utilities GuideToggle Settings
Relation condition Language ReferenceRelation Condition
abbreviated combined Language ReferenceAbbreviated Combined Relation Conditions
DBCS characters LR - Additional TopicsRelation Conditions
Relation Conditions
Relational character Language ReferenceRelation Condition
Relational operator Language ReferenceRelation Condition
Relative byte addressing File HandlingRelative Byte Addressing
Relative file File HandlingRelative Files
Language ReferenceRelative Input/Output
access mode Language ReferenceAccess Mode
CLOSE statement Language ReferenceThe CLOSE Statement
file control entry Language ReferenceThe File Control Entry
file description entry Language ReferenceFile Description Entry Skeleton
I/O error handling Language ReferenceThe USE Statement
locking Compatibility GuideFile and Record Locking
Language ReferenceDefault Record Locking
logical positioning Language ReferenceThe START Statement
OPEN statement Language ReferenceThe OPEN Statement
reading Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
rewriting Language ReferenceThe REWRITE Statement
sharing Language ReferenceSharing Files on Multi-user Systems
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsRelative and Indexed Files
Relative and Indexed Files
size limits File HandlingSequential and Relative File Size Limits
structure File HandlingRelative Files with Fixed Length Records
Relative File with Variable Length Records
writing Language ReferenceThe WRITE Statement
Relative key Language ReferenceThe DELETE Statement
RELATIVE KEY data item Language ReferenceThe REWRITE Statement
cursor positioning SQL Option SyntaxFETCH
Relative value comparisons OO ProgrammingRelative Value of Objects
RELDATBUF configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
RELEASE (connection) SQL Option SyntaxRELEASE (connection)
RELEASE (connection) Example SQL Option SyntaxRELEASE (connection) Example
RELEASE statement Language ReferenceThe RELEASE Statement
Releasing locks File HandlingReleasing Record Locks
Relocate entry
action bar Dialog System CharacterRelocate Entry (F5)
Relocate panel Dialog System CharacterRelocate Panel (F9)
REM function Language ReferenceThe REM Function
REMAINDER Compiler directive Reference helpREMAINDER
REMAINDER phrase Program DevelopmentArithmetic Statements
DIVIDE statement Language ReferenceThe DIVIDE Statement
server SQL Option ServerConnect (Set Location) Access
Remote debugging
from Net Express Debugging GuideDebugging a Program from Net Express
Remote Debugging
Remote location access SQL Option ServerThree-Part Name Access
Remote server SQL Option ServerServer-to-server Connectivity
Remote server configuration SQL Option ServerRemote Server Configuration
Remote Server Configuration
Remote Server Configuration
Remote Server Configuration
Remote Server Configuration
Remote Unit of Work SQL Option SyntaxREFRESH LOCATIONS
Remote unit of work (ruw) processing
DB2 locations SQL Option ServerRemote Unit of Work (RUW) Processing - DB2 Locations
XDB locations SQL Option ServerRemote Unit of Work (RUW) Processing - XDB Locations
REMOVE Compiler directive Compatibility GuideReserved Words
Reference helpREMOVE
remove method Reference helpBag Method remove
Collection Method remove
DBCScharacterarray Method remove
dictionary Method remove
dynamicArrayedCollection Method remove
RecursiveSet Method remove
RecursiveSet Method remove
sequencedcollection Method remove
ValueSet Method remove
Remove occurrence
group Dialog System CharacterRemove Occurrence ()
Remove range Dialog System CharacterRemove Range (F8)
removeAll method Reference helpCollection Method removeAll
removeAllAssociations method Reference helpdictionary Method removeAllAssociations
removeAllSuchThat method Reference helpdynamicArrayedCollection Method removeAllSuchThat
removeAssociation method Reference helpdictionary Method removeAssociation
removeAtIndex method Reference helpdynamicArrayedCollection Method removeAtIndex
removeDelegate method Reference helpBase Method removeDelegate
removeDependencies method Reference helpDependent Method removeDependencies
removeDependent method Reference helpDependent Method removeDependent
removeFirst method Reference helpdynamicArrayedCollection Method removeFirst
removeFirstandFinalize method Reference helpdynamicArrayedCollection Method removeFirstandFinalize
removeKey method Reference helpdictionary Method removeKey
systemDictionary Method removeKey
removeKeyz method Reference helpsystemDictionary Method removeKeyz
removeLast method Reference helpdynamicArrayedCollection Method removeLast
removeLastandFinalize method Reference helpdynamicArrayedCollection Method removeLastandFinalize
removeSignalDependant method Reference helpBase Method removeSignalDependant
removeSpy method Reference helpBase Method removeSpy
removeSpyCallback method Reference helpBase Method removeSpyCallback
RENAME clause
Rename file
generate Dialog System CharacterRename File (F9)
RENAMES clause Language ReferenceThe RENAMES Clause
DBCS characters LR - Additional TopicsRENAMES Clause
Renaming files Utilities GuideFile Specification Functions
Reorganizing indexed files File HandlingReorganizing Indexed Files
Repeat key Dialog System CharacterRepeat Key (F8)
Repeatable Read SQL Option SyntaxSET ISOLATION
amend group Dialog System CharacterAmend Group Repeats (F5)
fields Dialog System CharacterData Field Definition (F2)
with windowing syntax Character UIsWindowing Restrictions
Replace mode
Adis function Character UIsStandard Adis Key Functions
REPLACE statement Language ReferenceThe REPLACE Statement
Replace toggle
Adis function Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
REPLACE verb and Integrated Preprocessor Program DevelopmentSource Modification
replaceAll method Reference helpDBCScharacterarray Method replaceAll
sequencedcollection Method replaceAll
sortedcollection Method replaceAll
replaceSubCollection method Reference helpDBCScharacterarray Method replaceSubCollection
sequencedcollection Method replaceSubCollection
EXAMINE statement Language ReferenceThe EXAMINE Statement
INITIALIZE statement Language ReferenceThe INITIALIZE Statement
INSPECT statement Language ReferenceThe INSPECT Statement
REPLICATE function SQL Option ReferenceREPLICATE
Reploying service interfaces Enterprise Server HelpTo redeploy a service interface
To redeploy a service interface
Using SX HelpTo redeploy a service interface
processing LR - Additional TopicsThe INITIATE Statement
producing LR - Additional TopicsThe GENERATE Statement
structure LR - Additional TopicsReport Structure
subdivisions LR - Additional TopicsReport Subdivisions
terminating LR - Additional TopicsThe TERMINATE Statement
REPORT clause LR - Additional TopicsThe REPORT Clause
Report description entry LR - Additional TopicsReport Description Entry
The Report Description Entry
Report file LR - Additional TopicsReport File
closing LR - Additional TopicsThe CLOSE Statement
opening LR - Additional TopicsThe OPEN Statement
Report footing presentation rules LR - Additional TopicsReport Footing Presentation Rules
Report group LR - Additional TopicsReport Section
The PAGE Clause
Report group description entry LR - Additional TopicsReport Group Description Entry
The Report Group Description Entry
Report heading group presentation rules LR - Additional TopicsReport Heading Group Presentation Rules
REPORT HEADING phrase LR - Additional TopicsThe TYPE Clause
Report Section LR - Additional TopicsReport Section
Report Section
Language ReferenceOverview
Report window in CSI Utilities GuideThe Report Window
Functions, Menus, and Toggles
Report Writer LR - Additional TopicsReport Writer
Reference helpReport Writer
Report-align Utilities GuideMiscellaneous Configuration Options
Report-hide Utilities GuideMiscellaneous Configuration Options
REPORT-LINE Compiler directive Reference helpREPORT-LINE
Report-name Language ReferenceConventions for Condition-names, Data-names, File-names, Record-names, Report-names and Typedef-name
Report-names Utilities GuideSpecial Queries
Repository ES Config & AdminThe Directory Server
The Directory Server Repository
Getting StartedOpen the Service Interfaces Window
deleting Enterprise Server HelpTo delete the repository
To delete the repository
importing Enterprise Server HelpTo import a repository
To import a repository
restoring Enterprise Server HelpTo restore the repository
To restore the repository
saving Enterprise Server HelpTo save the repository
To save the repository
REPOSITORY Compiler directive Language ReferenceExternal Repository
OO ProgrammingConformance
Compiler Directives
Reference helpREPOSITORY
Repository paragraph Language ReferenceThe Repository Paragraph
OO ProgrammingDeclaring Classes
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsThe Repository Paragraph
Representation of data types Program DevelopmentStorage Representation of COBOL Data Types
Requery item Utilities GuideFunctions, Menus, and Toggles
Request blocks ES Config & AdminWhat You Can Do
Request handlers ES Config & AdminRequest Handlers
Request Handlers
adding Enterprise Server HelpTo add a request handler to an enterprise server
To add a request handler to an enterprise server
associating with services Enterprise Server HelpTo associate a request handler with a service
To associate a request handler with a service
deleting Enterprise Server HelpTo delete a request handler
To delete a request handler
disassociating from services Enterprise Server HelpTo disassociate a request handler from a service
To disassociate a request handler from a service
editing Enterprise Server HelpTo edit a request handler
To edit a request handler
information in ESMAC ES Config & AdminServices, Packages and Request Handlers
user exits ES Config & AdminUser Exits for Request Handlers
viewing all Enterprise Server HelpTo view request handlers for an enterprise server
To view request handlers for an enterprise server
REQUEST_CONTEXT structure Enterprise Server HelpREQUEST_CONTEXT
field property Dialog System CharacterThe Popup Panel
REQUIRED clause Language ReferenceThe REQUIRED Clause
Required fields Dialog System CharacterDefine Validation Details (F8)
call Program DevelopmentCall Requirements
Requirements-based vocabulary
tutorial OO ProgrammingRequirements-based Vocabulary Tutorial
RERUN clause
I-O-Control paragraph Language ReferenceThe I-O-Control Paragraph
RESEQ Animator directive Debugging GuideDescription of Directives
RESEQ Compiler directive Reference helpRESEQ
RESERVE clause
file control entry Language ReferenceThe File Control Entry
Reserved directive Reference helpReserved Directives
Reserved word Language ReferenceCOBOL Words
Reserved Words
Reserved Words
Reference helpLanguage Features - Reserved Word Control
DG I COBOL Compatibility GuideReserved Words
RM/COBOL Compatibility GuideReserved Words
windowing syntax Character UIsWindowing Restrictions
Reserved Words
DB2 Mode SQL Option ReferenceReserved Words: DB2 Mode
XDB Mode SQL Option ReferenceReserved Words: XDB Mode
Reserved words SQL Option ReferenceXDB Server Reserved Words
panel field Dialog System CharacterReset (F2)
Reset (F2)
Reset control Distributed ComputingSubmit Mechanism for HTML Forms
Reset logging SQL Option ServerResetting Location Logging
RESET phrase LR - Additional TopicsThe SUM Clause
RESET TRACE statement LR - Additional TopicsThe RESET TRACE Statement
Reset-execution menu Debugging GuideReset-execution Menu
Function Descriptions
Resetting location logging SQL Option ServerResetting Location Logging
resetValue method Reference helpByteArray Method resetValue
CharacterArray Method resetValue
DBCScharacterarray Method resetValue
reSort method Reference helpsortedcollection Method reSort
Resource adapters
access rights Enterprise Server HelpTo grant access to resource adapters in the J2EE RI server
To grant access to resource adapters in the J2EE RI server
deploying Deployment GuideEJBs and Resource Adapters
Enterprise Server HelpTo deploy an unmanaged connection
To deploy a resource adapter to the J2EE RI server
To specify the coded name of the resource adapter on J2EE RI
To deploy a resource adapter to WebLogic
To deploy a resource adapter to WebSphere
To deploy an unmanaged connection
To deploy a resource adapter to the J2EE RI server
To specify the coded name of the resource adapter on J2EE RI
To deploy a resource adapter to WebLogic
To deploy a resource adapter to WebSphere
deploying to J2EE RI Deployment GuideDeploying a Resource Adapter to the J2EE RI
introduction Distributed ComputingIntroduction to Resource Adapters
Deployment GuideResource Adapters
request handler ES Config & AdminRequest Handlers
undeploying Enterprise Server HelpTo undeploy a resource adapter from the J2EE RI server
To undeploy a resource adapter from the J2EE RI server
unmanaged connections Distributed ComputingUsing an Unmanaged Connection under J2SE
Resource contention Distributed ComputingResource Contentions
Resource management ES Config & AdminResource Management
Resource managers ES Config & AdminResource Managers
Distributed ComputingResource Management
defining Enterprise Server HelpTo define a resource manager for an enterprise server
To define a resource manager for an enterprise server
respondsTo method Reference helpBehavior Method respondsTo
Response blocks ES Config & AdminWhat You Can Do
Restore SQL Option ServerRestore
Adis function Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
after transient system failure SQL Option ServerTransient System Failure Recovery
attribute tables Character UIsDescription of Routines
Restore block Dialog System CharacterRestore Block (F9)
Restore line
error message definition Dialog System CharacterRestore Line (F6)
virtual group Dialog System CharacterRestore Line (F7)
Restore screen area Character UIsDescription of Routines
Restoring client state information Distributed ComputingList of Routines
Restoring repository ES Config & AdminIntroduction
Restrict field size
Adis accept Character UIsACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
on compiling applications Dialog System CharacterCompiling Dialog System Applications
programming Program DevelopmentProgramming Restrictions
Resultant-identifier Language ReferenceCommon Phrases
The ROUNDED Phrase
results screen Interactive SQL function SQL Option UtilitiesResults Screen
Results tables
defined SQL Option SyntaxFETCH
read-only SQL Option SyntaxDECLARE CURSOR
retrieving rows SQL Option SyntaxOPEN
results tables - qualifying records SQL Option SyntaxHAVING Clause
Results tables - row order SQL Option SyntaxORDER BY Clause
results tables - sorting SQL Option SyntaxORDER BY Clause
RETC Dialog System CharacterCalling Program Function
Trap Output Fields
Function Descriptions
Retrieval speed vs. update speed SQL Option ServerRetrieval Speed vs. Update Speed
Retrieved information SQL Option PrecompilerHost Variables
Retrieving All Columns with the SELECT Clause SQL Option SyntaxRetrieving All Columns with the SELECT Clause
RETRYLOCK Compiler directive Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
Program DevelopmentRestrictions
Reference helpRETRYLOCK
RETRYLOCK configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
RETRYOPEN configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
RETRYTIME configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
Return code Program DevelopmentHandling Return Codes
as file status File HandlingInterpreting the Return Code as a File Status Code
MFJSORT utility File HandlingReturn Codes
thread-control routines Multi-threadingRETURN-CODE Values For Thread-control Routines
thread-specific data-handling routines Multi-threadingRETURN-CODE Values For Thread-specific Data Handling Rout
thread-synchronization routines Multi-threadingRETURN-CODE Values For Synchronization Routines
Return codes and DSNTIAR SQL Option PrecompilerDSNTIAR Facility
Return date for cookie expiry field Distributed ComputingList of Routines
RETURN statement Language ReferenceThe RETURN Statement
Return value
pulldown Dialog System CharacterEdit Pulldown Entry (Enter)
RETURN-CODE Program DevelopmentCall Conventions
Handling Return Codes
efficiency Program DevelopmentCALL Statements
RETURN-CODE special register Language ReferenceSpecial Registers
The EXHIBIT Statement
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsSpecial Registers
Returning item
conformance Language ReferenceReturning Items
RETURNING phrase Program DevelopmentCall Conventions
Handling Return Codes
EXIT PROGRAM statement Language ReferenceThe EXIT Statement
STOP statement Language ReferenceThe STOP Statement
Reusable mapping
creating in Interface Mapper Getting StartedDefine a Reusable Mapping
Define a Reusable Mapping
editing Getting StartedEdit Some Reusable Mappings
Reusable Mappings pane
Interface Mapper Distributed ComputingReusable Mappings
REVCHAR function SQL Option ReferenceREVCHAR
REVERSE function Language ReferenceThe REVERSE Function
reverse method Reference helpDBCScharacterarray Method reverse
dynamicArrayedCollection Method reverse
sequencedcollection Method reverse
Reverse terminal mode User's GuideHighlighting
Reverse video attribute Character UIsCharacter Attribute Codes
REVERSE-VIDEO clause Language ReferenceThe REVERSE-VIDEO Clause
REVERSE-VIDEO option LR - Additional TopicsThe ACCEPT Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
OPEN statement Language ReferenceThe OPEN Statement
reverseDo method Reference helpDBCScharacterarray Method reverseDo
sequencedcollection Method reverseDo
ValueSet Method reverseDo
database privileges SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Database Privileges)
database privileges - FROM clause SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Database Privileges)
PUBLIC AT ALL LOCATIONS SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
system privileges SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (System Privileges)
system privileges - FROM clause SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (System Privileges)
table privileges SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
table privileges - ALL SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
table privileges - FROM clause SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
view privileges SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
REVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
view privileges - ALL SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
view privileges - FROM clause SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
REVOKE (Database Privileges) SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Database Privileges)
REVOKE (Database Privileges) Example SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Database Privileges) Example
REVOKE (Function or Procedure Privileges) SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Function or Procedure Privileges)
REVOKE (Function or Procedure Privileges) Examples SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Function or Procedure Privileges) Examples
REVOKE (System Privileges) SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (System Privileges)
REVOKE (Table or View Privileges) SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
REVOKE (Table or View Privileges) Examples SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges) Examples
REWRITE statement Language ReferenceThe REWRITE Statement
line sequential file Compatibility GuideTrailing Blanks in Line Sequential Files
relative byte addressing File HandlingRewrite a Record
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsThe REWRITE Statement
XML syntax Reference helpXML Syntax - REWRITE Statement
REWRITE-LS Compiler directive Language ReferenceThe OPEN Statement
Reference helpREWRITE-LS
RFT Dialog System CharacterRefresh Functions
Function Descriptions
RFTD Dialog System CharacterRefresh Functions
Function Descriptions
calculating values Character UIsRequests for Information
querying in colormap Character UIsColormap Operations
representation of colors Character UIsHow Generic Attributes Work
translation from color name Character UIsRequests for Information
A Simple Example of Application
deploying Deployment GuideJ2EE 1.3.1 Reference Implementation
Rid SQL Option ServerRecord ID (RID) Pool Buffer
duplicate index values SQL Option SyntaxCREATE INDEX
RIGHT-JUSTIFY option LR - Additional TopicsThe ACCEPT Statement
Language ReferenceThe ACCEPT Statement
RKEY Dialog System CharacterPath Control Functions
Function Descriptions
and function key recognition Character UIsKey Configuration on UNIX
data entry Character UIsRM Style Data Entry
RM Adis function
RM Backspace Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
RM Clear Field Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
RM Tabs Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
RM Compiler directive LR - Additional TopicsRyan McFarland COBOL V2.0 Syntax Support
Compatibility GuideRM
RM/COBOL Source Programs
The RM Directive
File HandlingRM
Reference helpRM
RM file status portability Program DevelopmentRestrictions
See Ryan McFarland COBOL
ACCEPT Character UIsRM Style Data Entry
Adis keys Character UIsUsing the Adis Keys
compatibility Character UIsThe Key Lists
numeric Character UIsACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
rmcup terminfo entry User's GuideOptional Entries
bulk upload SQL Option SyntaxBULK
Rollback SQL Option ServerRolling Back a Transaction
file control entry Language ReferenceThe File Control Entry
Rollback standard operation code File HandlingStandard Operation Codes
ROLLBACK statement Fileshare GuideTransaction Processing
Language ReferenceThe ROLLBACK Statement
ROLLBACK statement (SQL) Database AccessEmbedded SQL Statements
ROLLBACK statement portability Program DevelopmentThe ROLLBACK Statement
Rollforward SQL Option ServerROLLFORWARD Command
Rollforward command SQL Option ServerROLLFORWARD Command
Rollforward logging SQL Option ServerROLLFORWARD Logging
Rollforward recovery Fileshare GuideRollforward Recovery Logging
automatic Fileshare GuideAutomatic Database Backup and Rollforward Recovery
utility Fileshare GuideRollforward Recovery Utility
Rolling back a transaction SQL Option ServerRolling Back a Transaction
ROSHARE Databases
ROSHARE databases
ROUND SQL Option ReferenceROUND
ROUND function SQL Option ReferenceROUND
ROUNDED phrase Language ReferenceThe ROUNDED Phrase
Program DevelopmentArithmetic Statements
Arithmetic Statements
See Library routine
See Library routines
National Locale Support Program DevelopmentNLS Library Routines
routine_table_size run-time tunable Migration GuideRun-time Tunables
ROWID (special register) SQL Option SyntaxROWID
rows SQL Option SyntaxOverview
Rows - qualifying SQL Option SyntaxWHERE Clause Syntax and Description
RPKY Dialog System CharacterPath Control Functions
Function Descriptions
RTNCODE-SIZE Compiler directive Program DevelopmentHandling Return Codes
Reference helpRTNCODE-SIZE
RTRIM SQL Option ReferenceRTRIM
RTRIM function SQL Option ReferenceRTRIM
RTS switch User's GuideRun-time Switches
Descriptions of Run-time Switches
File HandlingRun-time Switches
Language ReferenceSwitch-Status Condition
Migration GuideSwitches
B Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
B1 Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
D LR - Additional TopicsThe USE FOR DEBUGGING Statement
debug LR - Additional TopicsCOBOL Debug RTS Switch
DG I COBOL Compatibility GuideRun-time Switches
F Language ReferenceIncompatible Data
N Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
The REWRITE Statement
The WRITE Statement
O Language ReferenceON SIZE ERROR Phrase Not Specified
T Compatibility GuideTrailing Blanks in Line Sequential Files
Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
The REWRITE Statement
The WRITE Statement
RTS switches
OO COBOL OO ProgrammingDescriptions of OO Run-time Switches
alphabetic data Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
alphanumeric data Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
alphanumeric edited data Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
arithmetic expression Language ReferenceFormation and Evaluation Rules
condition-names Language ReferenceThe VALUE Clause
constant-names Language ReferenceThe VALUE Clause
editing Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
numeric data Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
numeric edited data Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
precedence Language ReferenceThe PICTURE Clause
standard alignment Language ReferenceStandard Alignment Rules
table item initialization Language ReferenceThe VALUE Clause
Run Dialog System CharacterRun (F6)
Run unit communication Language ReferenceRun Unit Communication
Run-length encoding File HandlingData Compression
Run-time Reference helpRun-time Behavior
Run-time Behavior - General
Run-time Behavior - Compatibility with Other COBOL Dialects
Run-time Behavior - Compatibility with Older Micro Focus Products
Run-time Behavior - Mainframe Compatibility
Run-time Behavior - Speed or Size
errors Program DevelopmentRTS Errors 114 and 115
Run-time component Dialog System CharacterDialog System
Run-time configuration User's GuideRun-time Configuration
Getting StartedMore Features
Migration GuideRun-time Triggers, Configuration and Switches
file User's GuideRun-time Configuration File
Run-time element Language ReferenceCompilation Groups
Run-time environment
service Using SX HelpTo define the run-time environment for a service
To generate a COBOL client from a Web service mapping
To generate a COBOL client from a WSDL file
run-time environment
configuring for service Distributed ComputingEnterprise Server run-time environment
Run-time limits File HandlingRun-time Limits
Run-time module Language ReferenceCompilation Groups
Run-time switch
See RTS switch
Run-time switches
N Utilities GuideInvoking the Server Express Development Environment
setting Utilities GuideF3=switches
Run-time system
creating User's GuideDescriptions of Flags
error messages User's GuideRun-time System Error Messages
Error MessagesRun-time System Error Messages
Language ReferenceStatus Key 1
Status Key 2
Debugging GuideRun-time System Error Messages
executable RTS User's GuideCOBOL Link Option
Creating an Executable RTS
Creating Dynamically Loadable Files
LMF messages Dev System LicensingRelated Run-time System Messages
multi-threading Multi-threadingRun-time System for Multi-threaded Applications
program management Program DevelopmentProgram Management
shared library User's GuideCreating Executables that Use Library Files
Run-time trigger Migration GuideTriggers
Run-time tunable User's GuideRun-time Tunables
Migration GuideTriggers
Run-time Tunables
File Handler and isam_open_key_check
faultfind_level Debugging GuideOperation
faultfind_outfile Debugging GuideOperation
faultfind_recsize Debugging GuideOperation
profile_behavior Utilities GuideTime Spent in Called Programs
child Program DevelopmentRun-unit Management
coru Program DevelopmentRun-unit Management
intercommunication Program DevelopmentRun-unit Intercommunication
library routines Program DevelopmentRun-unit and Memory Routines
Concurrency - Run-unit and Memory Routines
management Program DevelopmentRun-unit Management
multiple Program DevelopmentOverview
originator Program DevelopmentRun-unit Management
parent Program DevelopmentRun-unit Management
Run-unit routines
abort Program DevelopmentList of Routines
allocate dynamic memory Program DevelopmentList of Routines
List of Routines
List of Routines
clear Program DevelopmentList of Routines
create named value Program DevelopmentList of Routines
create run-unit Program DevelopmentList of Routines
free dynamic memory Program DevelopmentList of Routines
List of Routines
List of Routines
read named value Program DevelopmentList of Routines
update named value Program DevelopmentList of Routines
yield time-slice Program DevelopmentList of Routines
RUNITLOCKDETECT configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
Running Reference helpRun-time Behavior
Run-time Behavior - General
Run-time Behavior - Compatibility with Other COBOL Dialects
Run-time Behavior - Compatibility with Older Micro Focus Products
Run-time Behavior - Mainframe Compatibility
Run-time Behavior - Speed or Size
applications User's GuideRunning Your Application
Client/Server Binding applications Distributed ComputingRunning a Client/Server Binding Application
programs Utilities GuideRunning a Program
programs from UNIX Session Recorder Utilities GuideF6=run
RM/COBOL program Compatibility GuideRunning the Code
tutorial Getting StartedRunning
Running a screenset Dialog System CharacterRunning Your Screenset
Running screenset Dialog System CharacterRunning the Screenset
RuntimeProperties interface Deployment GuideCustomRecord and Other EJB Support
RuntimeSystem.class Distributed ComputingCoding Your Java Program
Using the cobcall() Methods
Ruw (remote unit of work) SQL Option ServerRemote Unit of Work (RUW) Processing - XDB Locations
Remote Unit of Work (RUW) Processing - DB2 Locations
See Report Writer
RWHARDPAGE Compiler directive Reference helpRWHARDPAGE
Ryan McFarland COBOL LR - Additional TopicsRyan McFarland COBOL V2.0 Syntax Support
compatibility Compatibility GuideCompatibility with RM/COBOL
conversion issues Compatibility GuideRM/COBOL Conversion Issues
data type conversion Compatibility GuideConverting RM/COBOL Data Types
file status Compatibility GuideRM/COBOL File Status Codes
File HandlingRM

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This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.