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J2EE connectors
See resource adapters
Java beans Java and COBOL Using Java Beans under J2SE
unmanaged connections Java and COBOL Using an Unmanaged Connection under J2SE
JAPANESE class condition COBOL Language Reference Class Condition
COBOL Language Reference Class Condition
JAPANESE Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Micro Focus Extensions for Double-Byte Character Support
COBOL Language Reference Micro Focus Extensions for Double-Byte Character Support
Compiler Directives JAPANESE
Jarray class Java and COBOL Using the Jarray Class
jarray class OO COBOL Reference jarray
Java COBOL Language Reference Directives
accessing native objects Java and COBOL Accessing Native Java Objects
accessing variables Java and COBOL Accessing Java Variables
adding COBOL methods Java and COBOL Adding and Removing Methods
calling from OO COBOL Java and COBOL Calling Java from OO COBOL
calling OO COBOL Java and COBOL Calling OO COBOL from Java
calling procedural COBOL Java and COBOL Calling Procedural COBOL from Java
CobolNational Java and COBOL CobolNational Class
compiling programs Java and COBOL Compiling COBOL Programs that Call Java
constructor Java and COBOL Instantiating Java Objects
CustomRecord Java and COBOL Using Custom Records to Pass Group Items
data type coercion Java and COBOL Java Data Types
data type conversion rules Java and COBOL Java Data Type Conversion Rules
declaring classes Java and COBOL Declaring Java Classes
demonstration programs Java and COBOL Demonstration Programs
Demonstration Programs
example calling COBOL Java and COBOL Examples of Calling COBOL from Java
exception handling Java and COBOL Handling Java Exceptions
exception thrown from COBOL Java and COBOL Example of Throwing an Exception
garbage collector Java and COBOL Finalizing Java Objects
interoperability Java and COBOL Using Java and COBOL Together
Jarray class Java and COBOL Using the Jarray Class
Mapping Java and COBOL Overview of Mapping and Deploying a Java Interface
mf_jstring Java and COBOL mfjstring
multi-threading Java and COBOL Multi-threading Considerations
overloading Java and COBOL Calling Java Methods
Adding and Removing Methods
ParameterList() class Java and COBOL Adding Parameters Using ParameterList()
passing data to COBOL structures Java and COBOL Using Structures
Pointer class Java and COBOL Pointer Class
setting up environment Java and COBOL Setting Up the Environment for Java and COBOL
static functions Java and COBOL Adding and Removing Methods
string handling Java and COBOL Handling Strings from a Java Program
StringBuffer Java and COBOL Handling Strings from a Java Program
throwing exceptions from COBOL Java and COBOL Throwing Exceptions from COBOL
Typedefs Java and COBOL Java Typedefs
using with COBOL COBOL Language Reference Directives
Migration Guide Java and COBOL
Java and COBOL
COBOL Language Reference Directives
usng BY REFERENCE parameters Java and COBOL Using BY REFERENCE Parameters
wrapper class Java and COBOL The Wrapper Class
Java beans
J2SE Java and COBOL Using Java Beans under J2SE
java beans Using SX Help To generate a Java bean
Java connectors
See resource adapters
Java domain Class Library OO Programming Overview
java mapping
Interface Mapper IMTK Tutorials The Interface Mapper
Java Native Interface Java and COBOL Using JNI with COBOL
Migration Guide Java and COBOL
Java support Class Library OO Programming Overview
Java Virtual Machine User's Guide Definition
Migration Guide Java and COBOL
Java.COBOL interoperability Migration Guide COBOL/ J2EE Interoperability
javabase class OO COBOL Reference javabase
javaexceptionmanager class OO COBOL Reference javaexceptionmanager
JavaScript CGI-based Applications Form Programming
javasup class OO COBOL Reference javasup
deploying to Enterprise Server Help To deploy to JBoss
JCL MTO Development Guide JCL Support
and FIleshare MTO Config & Admin Transactional VSAM Access
Transactional VSAM Access
application program MTO Development Guide Application Programs
character sets MTO Config & Admin Character Sets
Character Sets
MTO Development Guide Character Sets
configuration MTO Config & Admin Configuring MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for JCL
Configuring MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for JCL
MTO Development Guide Configuring an Enterprise Server to Run the Application
data set MTO Development Guide Data Sets
defer printing MTO Help To automatically defer printing for specified message classes
demonstration MTO Development Guide JCL Walkthrough
developing application with MTO MTO Development Guide Developing a JCL Application
developing applications with MTO MTO Config & Admin Developing and Testing the Application
Developing and Testing the Application
enabling MTO Config & Admin Enabling JCL for an Enterprise Server
Enabling JCL for an Enterprise Server
MTO Help To enable JCL support
enterprise servers MTO Config & Admin Configuring MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for JCL
Configuring MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for JCL
extensions MTO Config & Admin Extensions to JCL and IDCAMS
Extensions to JCL and IDCAMS
external writer MTO Development Guide MVS External Writer
library MTO Development Guide Procedure Libraries
licensing MTO Config & Admin Licensing
MTO Development Guide Licensing
migration MTO Development Guide Migrating the Application
MTO overview MTO Config & Admin What is Mainframe Transaction Option?
What is Mainframe Transaction Option?
MTO Development Guide Overview
MVS JCL support MTO Development Guide MVS JCL Statements
output hold MTO Help To automatically defer printing for specified message classes
PARM parameter MTO Development Guide Passing Parameters
printer exit module MTO Development Guide Printer Exit Modules
problem diagnosis MTO Config & Admin JCL Aspects of Troubleshooting
JCL Aspects of Troubleshooting
remote server MTO Help To run a JCL job on a remote enterprise server
request handler MTO Help To specify a handler for JCL requests
resource locks MTO Help To view resource locks
restrictions Program Development Use of SYSOUT in JCL user exits
REXX program MTO Development Guide JCL Environment
running MTO Help To run a JCL job
To run a JCL job from the command line
running demonstration MTO Development Guide Running a JCL Job
setting up environment MTO Development Guide CICS, IMS and JCL Resources
special characters in program-names MTO Development Guide Special Characters in JCL Program-names
spool housekeeping MTO Config & Admin Running the Spool Housekeeping Program from JCL
Running the Spool Housekeeping Program from JCL
starting batch initiator MTO Help To start a batch initiator or printer immediately
starting batch initiator SEP MTO Help To start a batch initiator SEP from the command line
troubleshooting MTO Config & Admin JCL Aspects of Troubleshooting
JCL Aspects of Troubleshooting
tutorial MTO Development Guide JCL Walkthrough
VSE JCL support MTO Development Guide VSE JCL Support
walkthrough MTO Development Guide JCL Walkthrough
JCL and batch utility messages MTO Help Error Messages
JCL API MTO Development Guide JCL API
JCL application
deploying MTO Help To deploy a JCL application to an enterprise server
JCL batch initiator
defining MTO Help To define a batch initiator or printer SEP
JCL enabling
Enterprise server MTO Config & Admin Enabling JCL for an Enterprise Server
Enabling JCL for an Enterprise Server
MTO Development Guide Enabling JES
JCL error messages MTO Help JCLCM Error Messages
JCL file locations
enterprise servers ES Config & Admin File Locations
Configuration Information
JCL jobs
command line MTO Config & Admin Submitting JCL Jobs
Submitting JCL Jobs
control information MTO Help To update control information for a job
deleting MTO Help To delete a job
To delete all jobs in a queue
holding MTO Help To hold or release a job
interacting with MTO Config & Admin Interacting with JCL Jobs
Interacting with JCL Jobs
releasing MTO Help To hold or release a job
running MTO Config & Admin Running and Controlling JCL Jobs
Running and Controlling JCL Jobs
submitting to local machine MTO Config & Admin Submitting to a Local Machine
Submitting to a Local Machine
submitting to remote machine MTO Config & Admin Submitting to a Remote Machine
Submitting to a Remote Machine
JCL jobstream MTO Development Guide JCL Jobstreams
Spool Files
JCL subsystem exits MTO Development Guide Using JCL Subsystem Exits
actions MTO Development Guide Events and Actions
Enterprise Server printer exit MTO Development Guide Interaction with the Enterprise Server Printer Exit
events MTO Development Guide Events and Actions
mfjdsxit.cpy MTO Development Guide Subsystem Exit Invocation, Rules, and Guidelines
JCL Support
CICS Support MTO Development Guide Integration with CICS Support
enabling MTO Help To enable MTO for an enterprise server
shared memory area MTO Config & Admin Shared Memory Area
Shared Memory Area
JCL user exits MTO Development Guide Using JCL User Exits
actions MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-before-PGM-call MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-CALL-ended MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-CALL-ready MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-CALL-started MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-job-concluded MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-job-ended MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-job-flushed MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-job-JCL-error MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-job-ready MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-job-started MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-RUN-ended MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-RUN-ready MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-RUN-started MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-step-bypassed MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-step-ended MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-step-ready MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-step-started MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-TSO-ended MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
Event-TSO-started MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
events MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
EXIT-after-PGM-call MTO Development Guide JCL/TSO Events and Actions
logging MTO Development Guide Event Logging
mfjdxit.cpy MTO Development Guide User Exit Invocation, Rules, and Guidelines
JCL-enabled enterprise servers
configuration MTO Config & Admin Configuring MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for JCL
Configuring MTO-enabled Enterprise Servers for JCL
JCL/CICS file access
Fileshare with Enterprise Server MTO Config & Admin Files Accessed by Both CICS and JCL
Files Accessed by Both CICS and JCL
JCL2 transaction MTO Config & Admin Spooler Housekeeping
Spooler Housekeeping
JCLAM error messages MTO Help JCLAM Error Messages
JCLCM error messages MTO Help JCLCM Error Messages
JCLGN error messages MTO Help JCLGN Error Messages
JCLIM error messages MTO Help JCLIM Error Messages
JCLUT error messages MTO Help JCLUT Error Messages
emulation MTO Development Guide Spool Files
resource classes Enterprise Server Security Resource Classes for JES Security
JES Errors
JCL and batch utilities MTO Help JES Messages
JFCB control block MTO Development Guide Control Blocks Supported
creating deployment descriptors Enterprise Server Help To create deployment descriptors manually
JNI Java and COBOL Using JNI with COBOL
viewing execution details MTO Help To view details of a job's execution
Job entry system
emulation MTO Development Guide Spool Files
job file control block MTO Development Guide Control Blocks Supported
Job output file
viewing details MTO Help To view details of a job output file
Job output files
deleting MTO Help To delete a job output file
viewing MTO Help To view the contents of a job output file
job step
control block MTO Development Guide Control Blocks Supported
writing from COBOL MTO Development Guide Definitions of API Calls
control information MTO Help To update control information for a job
deleting MTO Help To delete a job
To delete all jobs in a queue
holding MTO Help To hold or release a job
releasing MTO Help To hold or release a job
restrictive list analysis SQL Option Server Admin Join Restrictive List Analysis
with non-join predicates SQL Option Server Admin Joins with Non-Join Predicates
Join optimization SQL Option Server Admin Join Optimization
Join restrictive list analysis SQL Option Server Admin Join Restrictive List Analysis
Join Text function Debugging Guide Join Text
joins SQL Option Syntax Joins
cartesian product SQL Option Syntax Equijoin
comparison operators SQL Option Syntax FULL [OUTER] JOIN
correlation names SQL Option Syntax Correlation Names
defined SQL Option Syntax Joins
equijoin SQL Option Syntax Equijoin
full outer SQL Option Syntax FULL [OUTER] JOIN
in DELETE command SQL Option Syntax Multi-table Joins
in UPDATE command SQL Option Syntax Multi-table Joins
inner SQL Option Syntax INNER JOIN
left outer SQL Option Syntax LEFT [OUTER] JOIN
multi-table SQL Option Syntax Multi-table Joins
nested table expressions SQL Option Syntax Nested Table Expressions
non-equijoin SQL Option Syntax Non-equijoin
ON clause SQL Option Syntax ON Clause
optimizing SQL Option Syntax Multi-table Joins
IN Special Operator
outer SQL Option Syntax Outer Join
right outer SQL Option Syntax RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN
table to itself SQL Option Syntax Correlation Names
VALUE clause SQL Option Syntax VALUE
views SQL Option Syntax CREATE VIEW
vs. Nested queries SQL Option Syntax IN Special Operator
Joins with non-join predicates SQL Option Server Admin Joins with Non-Join Predicates
security MTO Config & Admin Resource Security
Resource Security
Enterprise Server Security Resource Security
Journals ES Config & Admin The Journal
Directory Server Journal
deleting entries Enterprise Server Help To delete journal entries
exporting Enterprise Server Help To export the journal as a text file
viewing Enterprise Server Help To view the journal
JSCB control block MTO Development Guide Control Blocks Supported
JScript CGI-based Applications Form Programming
tutorial IMTK Tutorials JSP Client for EJB
Just-in-time debugging Debugging Guide Animator and Application Development
invoking Debugging Guide Just-in-time Debugging
tutorial Debugging Guide Just-in-time Debugging
Adis options Character UIs ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
JUSTIFIED clause COBOL Language Reference Data Description Entry Skeleton
The JUSTIFIED Clause in the Screen Section
COBOL Language Reference Data Description Entry Skeleton
DBCS characters COBOL Language Reference The JUSTIFIED Clause (DBCS)
COBOL Language Reference The JUSTIFIED Clause (DBCS)
Screen Section COBOL Language Reference The JUSTIFIED Clause in the Screen Section
COBOL Language Reference The JUSTIFIED Clause in the Screen Section
Adis field option Character UIs Screen Section

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