Configuring One or More Tests with One AUT

If you have the scenario where you have one or more tests in a single execution plan and they test against a single application under test, you should structure your testing as follows:

  1. Create a ProcessExecutor test that will start your code analysis application. The ProcessExecutor Argument List should start your code analysis program. For example:
    • Executable Name:
    • Argument List:
      /c start cmd
      /c D:\sctm\dps\startDPS_Simple1.bat
    Where startDPS_Simple1.bat contains:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\DevPartner\Analysis\dpanalysis.exe" /cov /USE_AUTOMATION_INTERFACE /O "D:\SCTM\temp" /W "D:\SCTM\DPS\TESTAPP\SCTMCodeAnalysisTestApp\bin\Debug" /P "D:\SCTM\DPS\TESTAPP\SCTMCodeAnalysisTestApp\bin\Debug\SCTMCodeAnalysisTestApp.exe"
  2. Create an execution plan.
  3. Click Execution Planning > Details View, select an execution plan, expand the Test Execution Setup area, and click Edit in the Setup Test row.
  4. Add the previously created test as the Setup Test.
  5. Add a test to the execution plan that automates your application under test with an automated testing tool.
  6. Optional: Add another test to the execution plan that automates your application under test with an automated testing tool.
  7. Create a ProcessExecutor test. The ProcessExecutor Argument List should close your program:
    • Executable Name:
    • Argument List:
      /c TASKKILL /IM SCTMCodeAnalysisTestApp.exe /F
  8. Click Execution Planning > Details View, select an execution plan, expand the Test Execution Setup area, and click Edit in the Cleanup Test row.
  9. Add the previously created test as the Cleanup Test.