Running Your Web Application Tests on Multiple Browsers in Parallel

When you have verified that the Web application looks as expected on all available browsers on your local machine, you can add additional execution servers to your testing environment to execute the tests for your Web application on multiple browsers in parallel.

To test your Web application on additional browsers, you have the following three options:

  1. Install additional browsers on the existing execution servers. This option enables you to test additional browsers, but it increases the time required to run the test set against your application under test, because the browsers are tested sequentially on the execution servers.
  2. Add additional execution servers to your testing environment. This choice enables you to test additional browsers without significantly increasing the execution time of your test set. The tests are distributed between the execution servers based on the available browsers on each server. However, this option increases your hardware requirements. For additional information on adding an execution server to your testing environment, see Configuring Physical Execution Servers.
  3. Connect to the cloud.
    Note: To be able to execute your tests in the cloud, you need a cloud provider account.

    This option enables you to test a great variety of browsers without increasing the execution time of your test set and without requiring additional hardware. The additional cost is directly related to your testing effort, which means the frequency at which you are executing your test set and the size of your test set.

For information about configuring your test environment, see Setting Up Execution Servers.

For information on running keyword-driven tests across multiple browsers, see Cross-Browser Testing with Keyword-Driven Tests