Filter Criteria

The Filter Criteria area offers the following filtering options:

Filter Summary

Lists all filters applied to the page.

Click next to a filter to remove the filter from the list.

Tests Filter

Contains a list with all test filters of the current project.

Select a test filter. The filtered tests are shown in the Matching Tests area.

Quality Goals/Assignment Progress

Shows a list of the quality goals in the project and the values of the quality goals.

Select one or more quality goal values. The filtered tests are shown in the Matching Tests area.

Each quality goal value has an Assignment Progress bar. The bar shows the number of tests that are already assigned and the number of tests that are not yet assigned to an execution plan.

Attention: These numbers include manual and automated tests.

Move the mouse over a bar to show:

  • The number of Total matching tests.
  • The number of Tests to reach goal.
  • The number of Already assigned tests.
  • The number of Not yet assigned tests.

If Already assigned tests is greater than Tests to reach goal an exclamation point appears. This means that more tests are assigned than required.

Attention: These numbers include manual and automated tests.

Displays the container/folder test hierarchy.

Select one or more containers and folders to display only the child tests of the selected nodes in the Matching Tests area. To select multiple containers and folders, use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click.

Note: You can only select one single test filter and one goal value per quality goal.

If you select multiple quality goal values (from different quality goals) or a quality goal value and a test filter, only those tests that match all criteria are shown in the Matching Tests area.