Writing Data Mart Queries

  1. In the menu, click Reports > Details View.
  2. In the Reports tree, select the folder in which you want the new report to display. This determines where the report is stored in the directory tree.
  3. Click New Child Report on the toolbar. The Create New Report dialog box opens.
  4. Type the name of the new report. This is the name that is displayed in the Reports tree.
  5. Check the Share this report with other users check box if you want to make this report available to other users.
  6. Type a description of the report in the Description field.
  7. Click Advanced Query to open the Report data query field. Insert previously written code or write new code directly in the field. The Insert placeholder list assists you in editing the SQL queries with predefined function placeholders. For details, see SQL Functions for Custom Reports.
    Note: If you manually edit SQL code for the query, click Check SQL to confirm your work.
  8. Click Finish to save your settings.