In the menu, click
Execution Planning > Details View.
In the
Execution Plans tree, select the execution plan that you want to edit.
Click the
Deployment tab.
In the
Execution Environment section of the page, click
Assign Keywords dialog box appears. All keywords that have been defined for your execution environment are listed here.
Note: The default reserved keywords for each execution server,
#<execution server name>@<location name>, are included in the list.
Select a keyword in the
Select or enter keywords list or directly enter a new keyword.
Select multiple keywords with
Ctrl+Click or
Tip: The
Select or enter keywords field is auto-complete enabled. When you enter alphanumeric characters, the field is dynamically updated with an existing
keyword that matches the entered characters. The field is disabled when multiple keywords are selected in the
Select or enter keywords or
Assigned keywords lists.
Tip: If you only have a few execution servers and do not require hardware provisioning, it might be enough to use only the default,
reserved keywords that are created for each execution server. In such cases, it is not necessary that you select additional
> to move the keyword into the
Assigned keywords list. Click
< to remove keywords from the list. You can also double-click keywords to move them from the one list to the other.
Note: The execution servers that match the assigned keywords are listed below in the dynamically-updated
Matching execution servers list. This list updates each time you add or remove a keyword. Click on the name of an execution server in the list to access
the execution servers in
> Execution Servers.
OK to save the keywords and close the
Assign Keywords dialog box.