Execution Plan Run Comparison Reports

Execution-plan run-comparison reports present an overview of the comparison between two execution-plan runs.
Note: Run-comparison reports are not suitable for the comparison of manual tests to automated tests. When the name of the report includes (Last Two Runs), you can compare only the last two runs of the execution plan or test.
The following reports compare two execution-plan runs:
Execution Plan Run Comparison Report

The default execution-plan run-comparison report that compares two execution-plan runs.

Execution Plan Run Comparison Report – Changed Status

Compares only those tests of two execution-plan runs, that changed their statuses.

Execution Plan Run Comparison Report – Failed in Newer Run

Compares only the failed tests of two execution-plan runs.

The execution-plan run-comparison report provides the following information:
  • Changes to the status of the execution plans
  • Number of errors
  • Number of warnings
  • Context in which the execution plans were executed
  • Execution duration of the assigned tests
Note: When the status of an assigned test changes to Failed between compared runs, the test is marked red. When the status of an assigned test changes to Passed between compared runs, the test is marked green.