Status Reports

The following status reports are available for the Tests area:
Tests per Component
Represents an overview of coverage of components by test; makes it easier to see where testing activity is needed.
Implemented Tests (per component)
Represents an overview of coverage of components by tests that have the Implemented attribute set to Yes.
Failed Tests (per component)
Represents an overview of failed tests per component; makes it easier to identify the most critical components in the environment.
Tests (per test container)
Represents a success rate for each test container by listing the number of passed tests.
Quality Goals Planning Report

Represents the number of tests in each goal criteria along with the planned time rolled up to the goal criteria.

Note: The planned time value is only for manual tests. Automated tests do not have planned time.

This report is split three ways for each quality goal defined in a project:

  • Testing Scope - compares the total number of tests available against the total number or required tests for each item in a quality goal.
  • Required Planned Time - compares the required planned time among the items in the quality goals.
  • Value table - lists all of the quality goal items along with related metrics: Tests Available, Goal (%), Tests Required, and Planned Time for Manual Tests.
Note: For a multi select attribute/property, the test will be counted for each matching occurrence.
Quality Goals Execution Report
Visually displays the number of tests executed for each item of each goal. This report is split into two sections for each quality goal defined in a project:
  • Execution Status Graph - lists each quality goal item with a color-coded execution status and summary value.
  • Value table - lists all of the quality goal items as well as their execution metrics: Passed, Failed, Not Executed, N/A, Total, Tests to Meet Goal, and Execution % to Goal.
Test Status Overview
Represents a status overview of all tests, structured by the statuses Passed, Failed, Not Executed, and N/A.
Test Status Overview (per test container)
Represents a status overview of all tests contained in a specific test container, structured by the statuses Passed, Failed, Not Executed, and N/A.