Clients Page

To access this page, log in to Silk Central as System Administrator and click Clients. For more information see System Administrator.

Use this page to create and manage your clients. Click New Client to create a new client. Click Set as Default or Unset Default to change the default status of the client. The icon shows, which client is currently the default client.

The grid on the page contains the following columns:

Column Description
Actions Click the buttons and to Delete or Edit clients.
ID The Identifier of the client.
Name The name of the client. Click to Edit the name. Notify the Silk Central users if you change the client name. Silk Central users need to enter the correct client name on the login page.
Description Describes the client in more detail. Click to Edit the description.
Test Manager The maximum amount of Test Manager licenses that can be in use concurrently.
Manual Testing The maximum amount of Manual Testing licenses that can be in use concurrently.
Issue Tracking The maximum amount of Issue Tracking licenses that can be in use concurrently.
Automated Testing The maximum amount of Automated Testing licenses that can be in use concurrently.
Created On Date when the client was created.
Created By The user who created the client.
Changed On Date when the client was modified.
Changed By The user who modified the client.