Creating Clients

To create a client:
  1. Log in to Silk Central as System Administrator. For more information see System Administrator.
  2. In the menu, click Clients.
  3. Click New Client. The New Client dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the Client Name and a Description.
  5. In the License Limits section, specify the maximum amount of licenses that can be in use concurrently for this client. Once the specified amount of licenses is in use, no more users will be able to acquire a license on the selected client. This is especially useful if you want to ensure that a more important client has enough available licenses, while less important clients can be restricted. The following rules apply:
    • No value: No license limit is applied, the client can make use of the total amount of available licenses.
    • 0 (zero): No licenses can be consumed by the client, which essentially deactivates all related features of the selected license.
    • Any number: The amount of licenses that can be consumed by the client. If the number is higher than the total amount of available licenses, the client can make use of the total amount of available licenses.
    Tip: The total amount of available licenses is displayed at the bottom of the Clients page.
  6. Click OK.

Log in to the client as Super User to perform client-specific administration tasks. For more information, see Super User.