Downloading Manual Tests for Offline Execution

This topic will show you how to download tests and enter the Status, Reason and Results while you are offline.

  1. Go to Home > My Dashboard. Ensure that the Manual Tests Assigned to Me panel is visible.
  2. Select one or more tests. Right click your selection and choose Download Selected Manual Tests for Offline Execution. You can also select a single test and choose Download all Manual Tests of the Related Execution Plan for Offline Execution.
    Tip: Make use of the Rows per page setting and the sorting and filtering capabilities to receive the list of tests that you need to select.
  3. In the Download Manual Tests for Offline Execution dialog box, specify how you want the tests to be organized in Excel:
    • Create a separate worksheet for each test with a list of steps
    • Create a single worksheet with a list of tests without steps
  4. If your tests contain attributes, select Include Attributes. All attributes are included in the downloaded Excel sheet, enabling you to filter your tests by each attribute.
  5. Select Include Attachments to also download files that are attached to the selected tests and test steps. Note that uploading attachments back to Silk Central is not supported.
  6. Click Download. Download and save the Excel file.
  7. Open the file and, depending in which format you downloaded the Excel file, enter the Status and the Result or Used Time for each step or for each test.
  8. Save the file.