
The DM_TestStatus table is the basis for status-related views.

The other data mart views usually provide easier access to detailed data, as this table does not provide direct access to information like the name of a test. The key of this table is the combination of the columns TestID, ExecutionPlanID, BuildID, and TestRunID.

Row Description
TestID Identifier of the test.
ExecutionPlanID Identifier of the execution plan.
BuildID Identifier of the build.
TestRunID Identifier of the test run.
ExecutionRunID Identifies in which execution run this result was generated.
StatusID Status of this test run (see TM_TestDefStatusNames).
EDRStatusID Status of this execution run. For additional information, see TM_TestDefStatusNames. For example, status 7 = pending manual run, status 10 = pending automated run.
ReasonID Reason for the status of this test run (see TM_ResultStatusReasons). Can be null.
PassedCount Sum of all passed tests, which is 0 or 1 for common tests and can be more for package test roots.
FailedCount Sum of all failed tests, which is 0 or 1 for common tests and can be more for package test roots.
NotExecutedCount Sum of all not-executed tests, which is 0 or 1 for common tests and can be more for package test roots.
ProjectID ID of the project that this row belongs to.
TestStartTime Time when the test run started (UTC).
ExecutionStartTime Time when the execution run started (UTC).
TestDurationInMilliseconds Duration of the test run in milliseconds.
IsBlocked Flags the test run as blocked/unblocked
DbChangedAt Time when this row was last updated by the reporting data mart.