Exploring the Sample Database

As an administrator, explore the sample database to get familiar with the features of Issue Manager. To explore the sample database:
  1. Launch Issue Manager and log into the sample database as dhart, a Development user with unrestricted permissions.
  2. Enter an issue against an existing product.
  3. Save the issue. Issue Manager fills in the Issue Details page's automatic fields and the History tab.
  4. Take an action on the issue and complete the corresponding action dialog box. The Issue Details page changes. Take other actions until you feel comfortable with the process.
  5. View several user accounts.
    1. Note which groups the users are assigned to.
    2. Look at the user's security privileges.
    3. Note the default Inboxes of the users.
  6. Add a group.
    1. Assign security privileges.
  7. Add an Inbox for a new user.
    1. Associate the Inbox with the new group.
  8. Add an account for the new user.
    1. Assign the new Inbox to the user.
    2. Assign any remaining security privileges to this user account.
  9. Add a new product, including its routing rules.
    1. Add one or two releases for the product.
    2. Associate each release with one or two platforms.
  10. Log out of the system.
  11. Log in as the new user.
  12. To see how an issue is processed through the workflow, enter and save an issue against your new product.
    1. In the Assigned To field the issue has been routed to one of the Inboxes you have specified in your routing rules. The bug is in the Dev-Ready state. Select the History tab and note the entries there.
    2. Select the History tab and note the entries there.
    3. Reassign the issue to another developer.
    4. See how this action is reflected by the History tab.
    5. Set the issue to Fixed to advance it to its next state. The State field changes to QA-Ready and the Assigned To field changes to the Inbox specified in your routing rules. Presumably this is the QA engineer inbox.
    6. Set the issue to Verify, which means that a QA engineer has verified that the bug has been fixed. The issue should move to the Closed state. Look at the History tab again. How has it changed?
  13. Add two components for the new product.
  14. Set up routing rules for the components, specifying different Inboxes than for the entire product.
  15. Enter another issue against a specific product component. Repeat the sub-steps described in step 12 to see how the routing changes.
    Note: The states the issue passes through remain the same because the workflow is the same for all issues.
  16. Change a field label on the Issue Details page.
  17. Change Product Code to Product.
  18. Open the Issue Details page for an existing issue to view the change.
  19. Add a new field to Custom Tab 1.
  20. Open the Issue Details page for an existing issue and select the Custom tab to see the new field.
  21. Generate a few of the predefined reports and charts that are available in the Reports unit.