Passing Parameters to the Plug-In

If a plugin is based on the ExtProcessTestLaunchBean class, each parameter will automatically be set as an environment variable in the process started by the plugin. This is also the case if the parameter name matches the name of a system variable, so that the value of the system variable will be replaced by the parameter value, except when the parameter value is an empty string.

The plug-in interface provides full access to all custom parameters that have been defined in the Silk Central Tests area . Only custom parameters are supported for third-party test types. The plug-in cannot specify predefined parameters; the plug-in implementation determines if and how parameters are defined for specific tests.

Use the getParameterValueStrings() method in the TestLaunchPluginContext interface to obtain a container with mappings from parameter names (key) to their values represented as String.

For JUnit test types, any JUnit test class can access a custom parameter of the underlying test as a Java system property; the launcher passes these parameters to the executing virtual machine using the "-D" VM argument.