Coverage Page

Requirements > Details View > Coverage

The Coverage page, which you can only access in Details View, displays basic properties of the selected requirement or project. It also displays the status of all tests that are assigned to the requirement, including the number and percentage of Passed, Failed, Not Executed, and Not Covered tests. A summary of all assigned tests is listed under Total. Requirements that are not covered by tests are listed as Not Covered.

The Details View page displays the same coverage status information in a “heat field” chart.

To view the status of all tests that are assigned to child requirements of the selected requirement in addition to all tests that are directly assigned to the requirement, check the Full coverage check box.

Note: In both Details View and the Coverage page, test totals accumulate to the parent level. For example, requirement totals include tests from child requirements and project totals include tests from all requirements.

The Coverage page displays the following properties for each selected requirement or project:

Property Description

Requirement Name

Project Name

Name of the selected requirement or project.
Priority Priority that has been assigned to the selected requirement.
Risk Risk that has been assigned to the selected requirement.
# Requirements (Calc.) Total number of all covered requirements. Not included in this number are uncovered requirements and folders that do not have a test assigned to them. For example folders that inherit the coverage of their child requirements but are not actually a requirement themselves.
# Requirements (Total) Total number of all requirements beneath the selected entity, including folders.

Requirement Status

Project Status

Status of the selected requirement or project.
  • Passed
  • Failed
  • Not Executed
  • Not Covered
# Requirements Passed Total and percentage of requirements in the project that have tests that have passed.
# Requirements Failed Total and percentage of requirements in the project that have tests that have failed.
# Requirements Not Executed Total and percentage of requirements in the project that have tests that have not been executed.
# Requirements Not Covered Total and percentage of requirements in the project that are not covered by tests.
Total Total number of requirements in the project.