Microsoft Teams Integration

When you integrate Silk Central to Microsoft Teams, performing certain tasks in Silk Central, like starting a testing cycle or finishing a test, posts messages to a channel in Microsoft Teams.

This integration provides an additional means of communication and lets you track the progress within a team of manual testers.

When setting up this integration, a Silk Central project will be connected to a Microsoft Teams channel, which means that ...
  • one Silk Central project can be integrated with one Teams channel only
  • one Teams channel can be integrated with several Silk Central projects
  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Create a new channel or use an existing one.
  3. Setup an Incoming Webhook connector. For details on how to setup this kind of connector, refer to the Microsoft Teams documentation.
  4. The connector provides you a URL. Copy this URL to the clipboard.
  5. Switch to Silk Central and select a project.
  6. In the menu, click Project:<Project Name> > Project Settings .
  7. Click Edit.
  8. In the field Microsoft Teams Webhook URL, paste the URL you have copied.
  9. Click OK.
Now when you perform the following actions in Silk Central, messages will be posted to your Microsoft Teams channel:
  • starting a testing cycle
  • blocking a test
  • unblocking a test
  • finishing a test

Each message posted to the channel includes links back to Silk Central, which lets you easily jump from Teams to Silk Central.

To disconnect your Silk Central project from the channel, remove the URL from the field Microsoft Teams Webhook URL.