Creating a Keyword-Driven Test by Automating a Manual Test

To convert a manual test to a keyword-driven test in Silk Central:
  1. In the menu, click Tests > Details View .
  2. Right-click the manual test in the Tests tree and select Automate with... > Keyword-Driven Test from the context menu. The Keyword-Driven Test Properties dialog box appears.
    Tip: You can select and edit multiple manual tests at once using the Ctrl and Shift keys.
  3. Select the Library which contains the keywords that you want to use. The library is required to store the set of keywords that the keyword-driven test uses.
  4. Click Finish.
Automating a manual test as keyword-driven test generates the following:
  • The manual test is converted to an automated keyword-driven test, containing a draft keyword for each test step. These keywords are added to the library that has been selected for this test.
  • If the test contains calls to shared steps that already exist as keyword sequences, these keyword sequences are referenced.
  • If the test contains calls to shared steps that don't exist as keyword sequences, these shared steps objects are referenced and enhanced to also be keyword sequences, containing a draft keyword for each test step. This also applies to nested shared steps (shared steps that reference other shared steps). If the hierarchy of nested shared steps is more than 30 levels deep, draft keywords for calls to shared steps below that level are created.
  • If the test contains calls to shared steps that are in a different library, draft keywords for these steps are created and referenced.

If your test steps contain parameters that you want to access in the generated keywords, the Action Description of a test step must use the correct syntax. Parameters use the syntax ${<name>}, for example ${username}. When converting a manual test to a keyword-driven test, these parameters are automatically added to the generated keyword.