Configuring Result Writer Alerts

If the result writer experiences timing issues, you can configure how Performance Manager behaves.
  1. Open the TMAppServerHomeConf.xml file with a text editor.
    The default path for this file is C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\Silk Performance Manager <version>/conf/appserver on the application server.
  2. Locate the <ResultWriteWatcher> XML tag.
  3. Define how Performance Manager behaves when the result writer experiences timing issues:
    XML tag Action
    <AlertMaxResultWriteTime> If the result write time exceeds the specified value (in milliseconds), a warning is logged. If the value is set to zero, the watcher is deactivated.
    <NotificationUponMaxResultWriteTimeExceeded> If set to true, sends a notification to the Performance Manager administrator if an alert is triggered.
    <AppServerRestartUponMaxResultWriteTimeExceeded> If set to true, immediately restarts the application server service if an alert is triggered.
  4. Save and close the XML file.