Using Result File Content for Reports

Performance Manager allows to select specific result files so that their content is available in the database in plain and human readable form. (This selection does not influence the normal result file writing that writes the files to the database as compressed packages.)

The plain contents of result files is written to table SV_ResultFilesPlain. It is then also available in a convenient view called SV_V_Monitors_ResultFiles and it can also be used in custom reports.

The selection of result files is done via filters specified in the file SVAppServerHomeConf.xml on the application server. If a result file matches any of the filters specified, it is written to the database in its plain form.

  1. Open the file SVAppServerHomeConf.xml with a text editor This file is located in the /conf/appserver folder of the Performance Manager directory on the application server.
  2. Locate the <PlainResultFileFilters> XML tag. Inside that tag you can create as many filters as you like.
  3. Each filter must be specified inside a separate <Filter> XML tag
  4. Each filter must specify the two XML tags <ProjectNameRegEx> and <FileNameRegEx>
  5. The XML tag <ProjectNameRegEx> must contain a regular expression that is then matched against the name of the corresponding project of a result file
  6. The XML tag <FileNameRegEx> must contain a regular expression that is matched against the file name of a result file
For a description of the patterns you can use as regular expressions, please see:

As soon as the file SVAppServerHomeConf.xml is changed on disk, the application server is re-reading this configuration and updates the filters on the fly. You don't need to restart the application server for the changes to take effect.

The contents of result files that are available in plain form can be used in reports created in Performance Manager under Performance Manager > Reports. When you create a new report there, select the result category Result File to access that data.