Time Stamps

HTTP communication between Java applets and the Siebel Web Server includes timestamps, which are strings that tell the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970. Proper replays must include correct timestamps. The Silk Performer kernel API (file kernel.bdh) provides the function GetTimeStamp(), which is used to obtain accurate timestamp strings.

The Web Recorder recognizes timestamps and generates scripts that use them.

HTTP Request Body with Timestamp

This example shows the body of a Java applet HTTP request that incorporates a timestamp.


Corresponding BDL Form with Timestamp

This example shows the corresponding BDL form generated by the Web Recorder. The value of the timestamp has been replaced by a call to the function GetTimeStamp().

    "SWEUserName"    := "undisclosed", // changed
    "SWEPassword"    := "undisclosed", // changed
    "SWEForm"        := "SWEEntryForm", // added
    "SWENeedContext" := "false", // added
    "SWECount"       := "0", // added
    "SWECmd"         := "ExecuteLogin", // added
    "SWETimeStamp"   := GetTimeStamp(); // added, value: "1023377037797"